Human Sciences High School- Socioeconomics
and Management
Decree on Equal Education N. 2684 Mechanographic Code: MIPMRI500E
Human Sciences High School - Socioeconomics - Mian
The student of this fild of study is a subject who shows her/his empathy towards the surrounding world, to all social issues and anthropology. He/she is a curious person, who loves dealing with the others open to the views of people from other culture and nationality.
Among the required skills, there is the interest towards humanities (Italian, History, Arts History, Philosophy) fior social studies, such as sociology and anthropology and for Law and Economics.
Once finished the five years field of study, the Graduate in Human Sciences High Schoo- Socioeconomics Option can enter into the professional world thanks to his/her general background open towards several directions and supported by multiple skills, that can be spent in different professional areas. The graduate in Human Sciences High School - Socioeconomics can take part to all public examinations, without having necessarily a degree.
In particular, the possibility of insertion into employment offered by this field of study lead back to the following professional contexts:
Once finished the five years' study programme, the Graduate in Human Sciences High School può proseguire can pursue his/her studies at University in several fields of study, because of the wide range of school subjects. His/Her background is suitable for entering any University Department, but the ideal curriculum is for:
Human Sciences High School - Socioeconomics option is a modern and contemporary High School because this distinguishes its identity in comparison to other lyceums, such as the inclusion of complementary school subjects and its direction addressed to the present times, together with the interest for the research. For this reason, it is similar to all other contemporary sciences, whose discoveries contribute to the intersection among different cultural areas. .
In order to understand the complexity of the present times with a deep knowledge of the historical origins of some issues and to project your future perspectives with interest and awareness, it's useful to understand the contents, the instruments and the methods of different subjects: as far as concerns Human Sciences there are the financial, legal, linguistic, scientific and social subjects, humanities, all of them important to provide a contemporary preparation that can be spent in a wide variety of directions.
In Human Sciences High School you don't learn Latin; it's the only not linguistic High School where you can study two foreign languages, because of the opening to the present world characterizing this field of study.
It'an High School where economic and sociological sciences use Mathematics, Statistics and Human Sciences (psychology, sociology, anthropology, methodology of research) ,for the analysys and interpretation of economical and social phenomena, where the approach of Humanities puts the person at the core of economics and where you can study interconnections and joints among the international, national, local and european dimension, but also among political, cultural, economic and social institutions.