DECREE N.338 MITF005006



The list of the FAQ below is subject to changes and prearranged after further requests for information and clarification.

  • At Istituto freud do you get a diploma with legal validity?
    • If you obtain a diploma at a State Private School, your certificate has got a full comparability like in State schools.
  • Are there the same curricula of the State schools ?
    • In compliance with the current legislation, a State recognized private school must comply with the same curricula and study plans of the State schools. 
  • Have the teachers got a valid teaching degree insegnanti sono preparati?
    • Our teachers have got a degree and an habilitation related to their class od competition. In addition to this, during the school term they are requested to take part to training course in order to improve their qualification. 
  • How can I enroll to Istituto Freud?
    • You have to go to school and bring your identity document, your social security number and the evidence of the last certificate you have obtained at the previous school. You will be required to fill in an enrollment form and to choose the form of payment you prefer, or using
  • Does the School make a request of the previous school records?
    • Yes, it does. The documents are required by the School Secretary Office and they are stored in a "Student- Report" dossier.
  • When can I talk to the teachers?
    • Teachers have their interviews with the students' families during the reception hours arranged at the beginning of the school term. They are also available at further hours or in other days by prior telephone appointment. It is also possible to schedule a telephone interview, if parents are not able to go to school. 
  • What about getting the school reports?
    • At Istituto Freud the school term is divided into two quarters: in January and in June. The school records are delivered to each single family during a meeting with the School Principal. 
  • How can I remain in the program in case of shortcomings? 
    • In case of shortcomings, you can remain in the program "in itinere", i.e during school classes- or in extracurricular remedial courses organized by the same teachers to ensure a coherent method of teaching.  
  • Do teachers care about their students?
    • Our classes have a small number of students and this allows our teachers to constantly follow the performance of each student by means of a process of personalized learning in order to meet the students' needs. 
  • How long have students learn in the afternoon?
    • The educational objectives and the continuous tutoring of teachers allow the students to acquire their knowledge during the lessons. Therefore, in the afternoon they can enhance what they have already learned. ’
  • Does the school guarantee a teaching continuity? 
    • The teaching continuity is guaranteed by the permanent presence of the same teachers every year.
  • Are families involved in the school performance of their children? 
    • Yes, they are. Every day the School keeps families updated about their children's performance by inserting school marks, disciplinary reports, delays and absences in a private area where parents can access with a specific personal password. In addition to this, the School notifies possible delays or absences throgh phone calls or SMS. .
  • Does the School take disciplinary measures for students? 
    • Yes, it does. According to the regulations, the School takes disciplinary actions for students who don't comply to appropriate school behaviours. , 
  • Are there any meetings during the school term?
    • On average there are two or three meeytings annually, including the class representatives elections. 
  • Is the school curriculum difficult?
    • As every school curriculum there is some difficulty, but it is reduced because of practical school subjects provided for a laboratorial way of teaching. As a result the learning approach is easier and more interesting. 
  • What do you mean for CLIL?
    • Founded in1994,  CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) is an immersive teaching approach whose target consists in the consolidation of language skills and communication abilities in a foreign language together with the development and the achievement of discipline competences.
    • The CLIL approach has the dual goal to focus on the discipline ( the teaching object) and on the grammar, phonetic and communication aspects of the foreign language, which represents the vehicular target. 
    • Considering its features, the CLIL approach strenghtens the potential of the student: 
    • A greater confidence in its own communication ability in the target foreign language
    • The possibility of a major expendability of the acquired language skills, especially in practical activities
    • Development of a open-minded attitude and  of a mobility approach towards the field of education and employment
  • Do students go and study at the laboratory?
    • Of course, they do. In compliance with the study plan, students go and study at the laboratory weekly, in order to attend the following subjects, i.e ICT, Electronics, Maths, Systems and Networks, Chemistry, Physics, but also for other school subjects that don't require any practical learning.
  • How can you define a mixed book?
    • it is a text both on a paper format on one side and additional supplementary digital contents, available on line. According to ministerial guidelines, the expanding on-line is more similar to a web-site rather than a textbook: in its mixed format the textbook can include pictures, videos, audio-file, hypertextual links to external web-sites, updating, supplements. It's not necessary an attached CD or DVD to a paper text to "create" a mixed book. 
  • What do you mean for on-line download version?
    • According to D.M. no. 41, 04/2009, issued by the Ministry of Ecucation, that establishes the technical features of the textbooks, there isn't any specific indication concerning the textbooks on an online-download version, but only general guidelines, because the technological progress is moving quickly and any standard would risk to become obsolete in a little time. Nowadays, for on-line download version you mean the unabridged digital version of the paper text provided in Internet.
      It is not sure that the download contents can also be printed, this is a necessary restriction to protect the copyright.
  • What is an e-book?
    • E-book is the contracting form of electronic book, that you can read on a specific  (e-book reader) or on a computer with a proper software. Currently the e-book readers don't support texts in full colour. 
  • Can teachers adopt paper textbooks? 
    • Yes, they can. Within the limits of school year 2010-2011, during which teachers can already choose mixed books or on-line download versions. From scool year 2011-2012, it would be not possible to adopt paper versions, but only mixed textbooks or download versions.(L. 169/2008, art. 5).
  • How long do the adoption of textbooks last  ?
    • From year 2009, the adoption of textbooks will have a lenght of five years in the primary school and of six years in the secondary school- intermediate and upper level- (L. 169/2008, art. 5).
  • Are only the new adoptions to be blocked or the new suggestions as well ?
    • The Circular Letter no. 16, 10th February 2009 establishes that the multi-annual intervals of the adoptions is only valid for the new adoptions of textbooks. 
  • Do teachers can change the adopted textbooks?
    • In case the textbook is dissimilar to the adjustements of the school system or in the eventuality you decide to replace a paper textbook with another in a mixed format or a download version  (L. 167/2009).
  • Does the Amendment impose restrictions to the publishers?
    • Yes, it does. In compliance with the  L. 169/2008, teachers should adopt textbooks for which the editors have promised not to modify the content for a lenght of five years from the first edition of the textbook. Appendices and further revisions subsequently  published are not included in this amendment. The prohibition to modify the textbooks' contens is applied to all texts published after the issue of the Law 169/2008 (Amendment no. 16, 10 February 2009), so it's valid after the year 2009.
  • Who provides for the tests in order to overcome the school shortcomings?Is there any difference between the overcoming during the school year and the one occurring after the courses at the end of the final school scrutiny? 
    • The tests for the overcoming of school shortcomings are provided by the teacher of the specific school subjects during the remedial courses. This teacher, who must be a component of the class council, cannot be the same teacher that has organized the remedial course. In this case it is necessary a school report between both teachers. There is no substantial difference in the proceeding of the overcoming during the school year and the one that has occurred after the courses at the end of the final school scrutiny.
  • Can an external  teacher- who doesn' t belong to the class- provide for the tests after the final school scrutiny? Does he have to correct the tests? 
    • The teacher - who is summoned to the final school scrutiny,- if he is not the teacher in charge of the given school subject in the remedial course- mustn't provide fot the tests nor correct them. The teacher in charge must provide for the tests, after having acquired useful elements of evaluation by the teacher who has organized the remedial course.
  • Do you sit for the exam at the end of remedial courses? Is there any interval among the end of the courses, the test and the completion of the suspension of final scrutiny?
    • The arrangement of the tests-  including their temporal collocation- is established by the class councils. The final tests- that are always provided by the teachers of the specific school subjects in their remedial courses- occur in compliance with the school calendar approved by the teaching staff. The Principal has to organize the following operations in the best possible way. 
  • Which teachers and how many of them will be present to the overcoming of shortcomings after the final school scrutiny? 
    • The checking operations are organized by the class council. The teachers of the specific school subjects are assisted by other teachers of the same class council. The attribution of the evaluation occurs collegially in compliance with the assessment criteria established by the school staff. is concer  
  • If a student is rejected twhen he is sitting for the exam in completion with the final scrutiny, does he have the chance to overcome his shortcomings during the next school year and within the end of the school term?
    • No, he doesn't. The student is rejected.
  • Can a student avoid to sit for the remedial examination after the course organized during the school year before the final scrutiny in the mont of June?
    • No, he can't. The student must sit for the exam. In the final scutiny the result of the tests related to possible remedial courses or support measures will be taken into consideration. 
  • How many shortcomings can provoke a suspended evaluation in the final scrutiny? If the school shortcomings are not so serious, can the student postpone the remedial text on the following school year?
    • The operations of assessment by the class council during the final scrutiny will take into account the possibility of achieving the learning objectives and the specific contents of school subjects with shortcomings within the final term of school year through the autonomous and individual study of the student or through the participation to specific remedial courses. Therefore, there isn' t any predefined number of shortcomings, so as to choose the suspended evaluation or the rejection. The teaching staff establishes the criteria to follow for the proceedings of the final scrutiny.
  • If there are shortcomings in subjects that are not present in the school curriculum in the following year, does the student have to take part to the remedial courses? 
    • The student must participate to the remedial courses concerning school subjects that are not present in the study plan in the following year, if the class council gets this resolution and consequently the student must to sit for the exam. 
  • In case of suspended evaluation how do students get to know all their school marks if the ordinance establishes that only the wording of "supended evaluation" must be indicated at the Register of Institute at the Register of Institute? 
    • After the operations of the final scrutiny, thhe School Institution reports to the familiy- in written form- the decisions of the class council, by specifying the shortcomings in specific school subjects and the school marks suggested by the teachers during the final scrutiny, for those school subjects that are not fully satisfactory. 
  • If students at the end of the three- year term pass the year in conclusion of their remedial couse, can they achieve the "high band of scores" of school credit like the other students?
    • For all those students who pass the year at the end of their three year term in conclusion of a remedial course, there is a positive evaluation and it is acquired some scores of school credit in compliance with the table A attached to the DM no.42 dated 22 May 2007. The so-called decree identifies the criteria to take into consideraion for the attribution of the school credit.  
  • If students don' t reach a satisfactory mark in the disciplines- subject to school remedy- do they risk to be rejected? 
    • During the supplementary phase of the final scrutiny, after having checked the tests concerning the remedial courses or initiatives, the class council can give a general evaluation to the students. If the results are satisfactory, they can pass the year. The results of tests are some of the elements that contribute to the general evaluation of the students. 

S. Freud Paritary Institute - Private School Milan - Paritary School: IT Technical Institute, Tourism Technical Institute, High School of Human Sciences and High School
Via Accademia, 26/29 Milano – Viale Fulvio Testi, 7 Milano – Tel. 02.29409829 Virtuale fax 02.73960148 –
Milan High School - Private IT School Milan
Milan Private Tourism School - Human Sciences High School, Social and Economic Address Milan
Liceo Scientifico Milano
Contact us for more information: [email protected]

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