DECREE N.338 MITF005006

Business Simulation(IFS)

The modern strategies adopted by the European Union in the area of educational training involve all its member countries, so that they can support and and spread the research and the experimentation of more dynamic and involving learning techniques, able to attract the youth towards more advanced levels of education and to  strenghten the connection among the school , the professional world, the research and with the surrounding society e con la società̀ nel suo complesso.

The model of Business Simulation (IFS), represents a chance to learn in a functional and organisational environmento similar to a business context, by reducing the period of permanence of young people at the business, without renouncing to the quality that the practical experience adds to the educational training.

The Project of the Business Simulation has got the aim to make the students the protagonists of their learning process , by developing engagement and motivation. In this way, they can freely express their inclinations, attitudes and potentials in order to make more conscious choices. In addition to this, the project wants to develop - in an original way- a close cooperation between the school institution and one o more realities in the surrounding local area. Therefore, the following project wants the different processes of the  business simulation and a simple utilization of methods to define  a form of didactics based on an integrated planning with the local business realities.  

The model based on the Computer Network Project of the business simulation IFS allows the students to work as they were in a real company.  This is possible thanks to the creation - within the school- of a laboratory-business where it is possible to represent and live the peculiar features of a real business. This laboratory is designed and planned:

  • In accordance with a principle of horizontal relation that relates the young person towards other subjects- both public or private, in presence or online; 
  • according to the given local environment and of the global market. 

 To each business simulation corresponds a real business; business simulations are able to communiicate and to realize transactions on the net, in compliance with the Italian legislation, just as real businesses. The only NOT real elements are the goods and the currency. Working in a business simulation helps the young people to understand and to analyze the process and the techniques of business management, through the learning method of  learning by doing.

The laboratory activity promotes the quality of learning and the achievement of the business expertise and- even though, it can't fully replace activities within real businesses- this allows the students to use their acquired competences and to test the correspondence between the simulation and the real model. 

The project of business simulation promoted at national level concerning its structure, its method and its technology- enhances-  in its integration with the production world- the innovations that are already experienced by the school institutions in their autonomy and with the cooperation of businesses and other realities within the local area. The project wants to promote:

  • the development of mental attitudes addressed to problem-solving and to the evaluation of process experiences, by overcoming the traditional approach of activities connected to the simple application of principles; 
  • a new learning culture with a gradual reduction of classroom activities and a development of teaching in its laboratorial form. All this promotes the process of group learning and simplifies the cooperation in the individual learning; 
  • an organizational learning addreesed to the valorization of self-diagnostics abilities and of self-development of the youth;  
  • the ability to understand and analyze complex situations;  
  • the ability to make choices by taking into account alternative solutions; a capacità di compiere scelte valutando situazioni alternative;
  • the attitudes to the cooperation and to the achievement of a business culture; attitudini alla cooperazione e all’acquisizione della cultura d’impresa;
  • the chances of intercultural and commercial exchanges with students from other business realities, from other countries, from other cultures;  
  • the attention of young people towards the ethical dimension in business activities. 

The driving force of the project is formed by the Simulation Center that keeps an eye on the compliance of the current legislation and provides the network with the services available in every real business. 

Through the business simulation, the students learn the real procedures concerning process of business management, from the achievement of the administrative  factors of production until the step of divestment/selling of the products or services provided. The whole management series is carried out in the business reality. Therefore, this latter becomes the privileged place of learning, but especially of application of knowledge and competences. 

The macro-environment of the business contains the international market of the simulation businesses, the central liaison offices, the public institutions and the private companies in the present in the professional local area. Every simulation business is supported by a tutor society that offers consulting and provides assistance on the occasion of local, national and international exhibitions. 

Every virtual business consists in a group of students "tutored" by a school teacher and completely supported by a real business and by a tutor belonging to the company. The training tutor and the company tutor guide the future young managers in this wonderful educational course that teaches them the method of learning by doing.  

It is necessary to provide structured responses to plan the simulation business activity, in order to create the management of a firm in an efficient way. Here are the most important phases: 

Sensitisation Phase 

  • analysis of the territory
  • market analysis 
  • business idea
  • business plan

Establishment Phase

  • state documents and Ase
  • request of VAT number and of bank account
  • management phase:
  • marketing
  • virtual shop  
  • management of orders, invoices and payment 


The Institute S. Freud has founded and registered two simulation-businesses at the at the Chamber of Commerce in Milan: 

Le Ultime di Sigmund - Impresa Formativa Simulata di giornalismo e comunicazione digitale .. leggi qui

Il Sogno di Freud - Impresa Formativa Simulata di organizzazione, gestione e marketing di eventi.. leggi qui

S. Freud Paritary Institute - Private School Milan - Paritary School: IT Technical Institute, Tourism Technical Institute, High School of Human Sciences and High School
Via Accademia, 26/29 Milano – Viale Fulvio Testi, 7 Milano – Tel. 02.29409829 Virtuale fax 02.73960148 –
Milan High School - Private IT School Milan
Milan Private Tourism School - Human Sciences High School, Social and Economic Address Milan
Liceo Scientifico Milano
Contact us for more information: [email protected]

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