Human Sciences High School- Socioeconomics
and Management
Decree on Equal Education N. 2684 Mechanographic Code: MIPMRI500E
“S. Freud” Institute is a school open to all families and students who want to become protagonists of their growing experience and education. The starting point is the development of their skills at school and in their future working environment as far as the complete accomplishment of their identity and values. From a formal point of view, the School was born in 2005 having regard to Decree of the Ministry of Public Education for the ICT address (DM no. 388, 15 March 2006 - mechanographic code MITF005006) and has developed a twnty years' experience in the study field of ICT, Technology, Humanities and Foreign Languages. In 2014 Istituto Freud has achieved parity for the School - Tourism Economics and Management (DM no. 1139, 27 July 2014 – mechanographic code MITNUQ500H). From the school year 2018-2019 Our School has also been recognized with equality at the Italian State School in the Human Sciences High School - Socioeconomics (DM no. 2844, 29 June 2018, mechanographic code MIPMRI500E). With a view to expanding the Educational Offerings aimed at the increasingly diverse inclusion of pupils from Milan and hinterland, in May 2024, the School also obtained parity on the Liceo Scientifico Tradizionale course (DM 1717 of May 31, 2024, mechanographic code MIPSTF500R).
“Insegnare educando ed educare istruendo” ( English Translation: Growing up with the teaching method) is the challenge of our school that welcomes all the hints coming fom the contemporary society in the interior of a school system that wants to strenghten our cultural foundation together with a strong teaching tradition
The primary objective of the school concentates on the constant educational attention and human growth of the students on one side and on the other the full achievement of high teaching strategies. Our duty consists in giving life to "another" school, enabling every single student to be at the individual centre of learning, not only by teachers, but also by the psycho- pedagogical help desck present in our School. Being an "alternative" school consists in giving a personalized teaching. This means be capable and reliable in order to take care of students in their specific needs. This goal can also be achieved through the acrive and constant implementation of modern computer and language labs. Therefore, students can be aware that IT- tools ia an efficient way to make the learning process simpler and the same time more challenging.
The School focuses its attention on educational activity by following three main aims:
- the educational, cultural and professional growth of young people, by giving as a specific objective of this school time, crescita educativa, culturale e professionale dei giovani indicando, come compito specifico del secondo ciclo, quello di the transformation of the several forms of knowledge in a unitary vision of knowledge, rich in reasons, motivation and goals to be achieved;
- the development of an independent and critical judgement. This means an efficient learning method based on strategies of management and problem solving, in a spirit of discovery and exploration, by reaching moral responsibility;
- the conscious decision of our actions in relation to its own-self and its context; to be an adult person by taking, his own responsibility.
Our School is an "educational community " and it takes the responsibility of the special needs of their students, so that they can develop their personal process of growth towards adulthood. .
EDUCATIONAL COMMUNITY“In ogni organismo, uomo compreso, c’è un flusso costante teso alla realizzazione costruttiva delle sue possibilità intrinseche, una tendenza naturale alla crescita” Carl Rogers