Human Sciences High School- Socioeconomics
and Management
Decree on Equal Education N. 2684 Mechanographic Code: MIPMRI500E
'Istituto “S. Freud” is a private equivalent school. This means that a private school is run by organizations or private citizens, but had been officially recognized by the Italian Constitution, as established by Standards for School Equality and Provision in act no.62/ March 10, 2000 by Ministerial Decree no. 338/ May 15, 2006 and no. 1139/ June 27, 2014.
In accordance with this Law, a Private Equivalent School must meet an Educational Project in keeping with the "Constitutional principles of the Italian Republic", a plan of Education Offer and school enrolment of all students upon request of their parents.
Therefore, a Private Equivalent School is enabled to:
The Enrolment to a Private Equivalent School allows parents- on special requirements- to receive additional regional funds for their children. This is the so-called DOTE SCUOLA- a financial aid for school fees, carried out by Regione Lombardia.
DOTE SCUOLA consists in:
As established by Standards for School Equality, students sit the State Examination at School, with a commission composed of three internal teachers.
Istituto “S. Freud” is also an examination centre for competence exams, supplementary exams, changing schools and Preparatory courses for State Exam for external candidates.
’Istituto “S. Freud” is a partner center to deliver MICROSOFT certificates .It is also associated with AICA to administer ICDL exams (International Computer Driving Licence) and with ’AICQ to administer EQDL exams (European Quality Driving Licence), in their full, start and plus levels.
We also give our students the opportunity to take “Cambridge English Language Assessment” exams to get a certification of English language.
Our School encourages effectively the work placement of its students through the area “Business/School ” by promoting INTERNSHIPS by well known companies in the ICT and Tourism/Management sectors in Milan and in its neighbourhoods.
To guarantee an high level of quality services, ’Istituto “S. Freud” has been awarded the Quality Certification UN EN ISO 9001-2015 for the following: developing and providing educational services in compliance with the current regulations.
Academic Collaborative Agreement (Accordo di Convenzione Accademico) tra la Scuola S. Freud e la Scuola TLA, The Language Academy, Ft. Lauderdale 33301, 220 South Andrews Avenue, Suite 401 - 1 Maggio 2018
Approval by Decree Law No. 7168/2014 of Post-secondary vocational education projects- Italian: Progetti di Istruzione e Formazione Tecnica Superiore (IFTS) “Sviluppatore di WebApp e siti Web 2.0″ funded by Regione Lombardia
Post-Secondary Vocational Education Projects- Progetti di istruzione e formazione tecnica superiore (IFTS) from 2014 approved by Decree Laws No. 5857/2013
Network of Agreements between Schools in Milan for teacher training in the field “Teaching and Multimedia”
Iscrizione Albo Regionale dei soggetti accreditati per i Servizi di Istruzione e Formazione Professionale, under the D.G.R. no. 2412/2011, registration number 1031 del 19/06/2017.