Human Sciences High School- Socioeconomics
and Management
Decree on Equal Education N. 2684 Mechanographic Code: MIPMRI500E
PROJECT TALK TO ME…to bring out the best in YOU
The primary objective of Guidance and Counseling Services consists in promoting the well-being of the individual, , by acting as a motivator and as a facilitator for all people who want to increase their self-awareness in order to improve the quality of their life or to achieve a specific goal.
Counseling Services at school are also concerned about educational and professional guidance. Therefore it is a very useful project both during the school enrollment or in the moment of State Exam when you are going to finish your school career. For example if you want to go to University or if you want to enter the world of work.
Counseling services for adults care about relationshi issues or about some specific needs emerging in a particular moment of its private or professional life.
Durante the sessions, the counselor uses techniques of active listening and of a targeted feedback of the person's experience, so that this one can get new points of view and a greater clarity in facing up to some difficulties and how to manage it. It is also essential the role played by Mindfulness practice ( i.e. breath awareness and attention to good pusture) in favour of a better usage of its own energy.
The Counseling Service is ideal for both adults or young people and the project TALK TO ME allows everybody to benefit- weekly and by appointment- from free sessions of personal counselling in a protected environment in full privacy and in compliance with professional secrecy.
The average lenghth of the process consists in 5-10 sessions. Each session lasts ine hour, but you can interrupt it in every moment with the complete freedom. As a matter of fact the value of personal responsibility is an essential principle in a counseling service.
The counselor is a relational expert and his task takes also into account the interpresonal communication and a guidance towards the individual development.
Counseling sessions will take place in the premises of Istituto Sigmund Freud. For further information and for reservation contact the Secretariat.