Human Sciences High School- Socioeconomics
and Management
Decree on Equal Education N. 2684 Mechanographic Code: MIPMRI500E
What does the new School Ordinance say?
Teaching of a non-linguistic discipline in a foreign language in 2nd grade secondary school.
The DD.PP.RR. implementing the Secondary School Reform No. 87/2010, 88/2010 and 89/2010 provide for the teaching of a non-language discipline (DNL) in a foreign language, specifically in our case:
Presidential Decree 88/2010 specifies in Article 8 paragraph 2 b) "Transition to the new system" that the MIUR with a special decree in agreement with the MEF will define "the general criteria for the teaching, in English, of a non-language discipline, included in the area of address of the fifth year, to be activated in any case within the limits of the staff determined by current legislation."
CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) is a teaching and learning methodology that makes it possible to learn curricular content (i.e., the classic "subjects") using a language other than Italian.
It is an immersive teaching approach that aims to build language and communication skills in a foreign language along with the development and acquisition of disciplinary knowledge.
CLIL is a widespread practice throughout Europe, which has become compulsory for the fifth year of reform technical institutes.
The CLIL Project at Freud encourages students to use the English language to convey some content of scientific, mathematical and technical subjects of address.
To this end, practices typical of language teaching are proposed, which promote comprehension and communication.
Teaching is .aimed, in particular, at enhancing the knowledge and skills proper to the discipline to be conveyed in English through the simultaneous acquisition of different language codes. The integration of the English language is carried out by the teacher, with a strongly laboratory type of teaching, through the development of activities inherent in the knowledge and skills of the disciplines concerned, in relation to the address of study.
The teaching activities help students build knowledge and develop skills by applying notions and sharing strategies.CLIL is a true methodology. In addition to making learning more shared and encouraging teamwork, the idea of interdisciplinarity is developed, which should be given more space and increasingly. Real-world issues and problems are addressed in a comprehensive way, taking into account different cultural perspectives as well. Participation and cooperation in pair and group work certainly make learning more effective.
A goal toward which the Freud School tends is to make teaching choices with CLIL mode in the form of modules whose objectives can also be agreed upon among several disciplines that intersect and interpenetrate in content.
Students become aware that the English language is an active tool of communication in the scientific and technical-professional field, in the perspective of a qualified work and study experience in the international arena.
Aims and Objectives
The Teachers' Board, in its autonomy, will choose, year by year, the discipline of the address area of the fifth year according to the defined criteria and available resources. It will choose the time in which to implement it, the modalities.
The NLD conveyed in foreign language will be the subject of examination in the third written test and the oral test.
THIRD WRITTEN TEST: The Commission's choice of type and content will take into account the way in which the teaching of a non-linguistic discipline in a foreign language through CLIL methodology has been activated, according to the findings of the Class Council document referred to in Article 5, paragraph 2, of Presidential Decree No. 323 of July 23, 1998.
ORAL TEST: For the non-linguistic discipline, the teaching of which has been carried out by CLIL methodology, the interview may also ascertain in a foreign language the disciplinary skills acquired, if the relevant teacher is part of the Examination Board as an internal member.