DECREE N.338 MITF005006

Special Educational Needs

SEN - Special Educational Needs 

The plurality of students requires that the school world responds adequately to those who present troubles in learning.  

In the last 20 years, we have assisted to a gradual growth of the presence of students with disabilities, students who required special attention by School for many reasons:  “social and cultural disadvantage, specific learning disorders and/or specific developmental disorders, difficulties deriving from a scanty knowledge of  Italian language and culture due to the belonging of different cultures”.

 Law  8 October 2010, nº 170 “New rules in relation to specific learning disorders" ”considers dyslexia, dysgraphia, anorthography and dyscalculia as specific learning disorders, with the denomination of SLD.  However, it should be pointed out - that in this Law- aren't specified any further kind of learning disorders, which anyway give the right to adopt the same measures. We are talking about of disorders with specific disabilities in the area of language or, on the contrary, in non verbal areas. These disorders don't have to go unnoticed, if present in the classrooms.  

Beyond the abovementioned Law, Freud School is perfectly aligned even with the Ministerial Directive of  27 December 2012 containing  "Means of intervention for students with Special Educational Needs and territorial organisation for school inclusion " - (C.M. n. 8 of 6 March 2013) that describes and clarifies strategies of inclusion in Italian School in order to comply completely with the right to learning for all students and for students with difficulties. 

Therefore, the abovementioned  Directive extends to all students with troubles in learning the right of a  personalized form of learning, referring specifically to the principles articulated by Law 53/2003.

The area of the school disadvantage is appointed in the field of Special Educational Needs  and divides into three macrocategories:  

1- disability;

2- specific developmental disorders; 

3-  socio-economic, language and cultural disadvantage;

4- home schooling


 S. Freud School pays special care to students with Special Educational Needs , in order to manage difficulties in the best possible way. In all the classes are present issues concerning  

disability, specific developmental disorders with problems regarding social distress and the inclusion of 

foreign students. Therefore, FREUD SCHOOL  considers a real benefit the adoption of a new learning approach as a ‘common denominator’  for all students, by not leaving behind anybody.  

To FREUD SCHOOL, the personalization of the study programme of every student  represents a learning approach more and more oriented to the inclusion: in fact, only an inclusive learning approach centred on the needs and on the personal resources, makes every student the REAL PROTAGONIST of his/her learning process, whatever his/her capabilities, potentials and limits.Then, as required by Law the use of  compensatory and dispensation measures puts the student in the  condition of improving his/her self-esteem simplifying the employment of scheduled activities in order to achieve good final results.  

At Freud School  it is possible to organise learning programmes, so that everybody can achieve valid results. The level of difficulty is the same, but teachers take into consideration the essential parts of an activity, by considering the different learning styles, by rewarding the efforts that have been made and not only for the results achieved gradually.  

The utilization of  facilitative tools, provided by Law, gives to the students with troubles in learning  different opportunities  to reach disciplinary objectives independently, so students can feel more and secure and at the same time to enhance the desire to perform a certain type of activity, bu avoiding passive attitudes. 

Our School ensures that COMPENSATORY TOOLS and DISPENSATIVE MEASURES  envisioned by PDP  or  PEI are pursued puntually and scrupolously, in order to support students and simplify their objective difficulties, taking into account probable events of anxiety or uncertainty.  

The subscription of these documents also implies a shared corresponsibility during the learning process among:  

  • the Principal; 
  • ( all) the teachers because they are responsible for the teaching strategies and the assessment criteria of the learning process;  
  • the Family, as corresponsible for the writing and application of the  PDP/PEI.

This inclusive project affects all the resources of Freud School: the School Institution is deeply involved and present in all its facets. 

Teachers and School Staff put in place pedagogical and observational skills, sensitivity and preparation  in their  field, to ensure the proper specified didactic attention.  

All the teachers and the whole school staff are active in a dynamic and involved which consists in responding to the needs of the person to be trained by adapting  della proposta the course programme in relation to the possible educational success of the students. 

At Freud School the assessment for the students with disabilities is always referref to the potentials of the human person and to the current situation  defined in the identification of the study programmes and of the learning process.  

The approach of teaching and the assessment process are personalized in relation to the condition and to the evident needs of every single student: needs and necessity require a urgent reply to any learning disorder, so that students can be aware of their growth but also of  the realization of the student who first of all is a person. 

S. Freud Paritary Institute - Private School Milan - Paritary School: IT Technical Institute, Tourism Technical Institute, High School of Human Sciences and High School
Via Accademia, 26/29 Milano – Viale Fulvio Testi, 7 Milano – Tel. 02.29409829 Virtuale fax 02.73960148 –
Milan High School - Private IT School Milan
Milan Private Tourism School - Human Sciences High School, Social and Economic Address Milan
Liceo Scientifico Milano
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