DECREE N.338 MITF005006

School in Tourism, Economics and Management - Istituto Paritario


We don't require any particular skills or knowledge to study at School for Tourism Economics and Management.
It would be preferable the interest to learn foreign languages and to get to know the field of tourism/economy and marketing. 
  A specific feature of this specialization consists in acquiring qualified skills which can be spent in the professional world. As a matter of fact, the latter is searching more and more professional figures with technical and applying expertise. 

At the end of their curriculum, students should:

  • communicate efficiently in three foreign languages - belonging to EU community;
  • define, create and control a marketing plan addressed to touristic businesses ;
  • design and organize advertising campaigns in order to valorise the country and to promote tourism services; 
  • plan, recognise and supervise the management of a tourism company ;
  • use computer technology.


Generally speaking, the tourist expert takes part to the areas of trade and production of tourism services in Italy and abroad. 
The skills acquired at the end of the five-year cours allow the professional integration in businesses and companies in the field of import-export.

Here are the specific business contexts relating to the  curriculum studiorum of the tourist expert:

  • travel agencies
  • air or navigation  companies
  • ports or airports
  • tourist accomodation/holiday resorts
  • museums
  • tour operator
  • tourist information offices
  • regional or provincial departments of tourism
  • Pro Loco in town-councils and in mountain communities
  • tourist-congressional activities
  • bbusinesses in the following sectors: service industry/advanced services (logistics, import-export)

The school address in Tourism presents an educational, cultural and professional curriculum that responds to the needs of an "open", technological and multicultural society, inclined to quick transformations. Here are the instruments provided in the School for Tourism, Economics and Management: modular teaching and teaching for skills, use of language and computer labs, study experiences in foreign countries, professional internships.


As you know, with the certificate in Tourism Economics and Management you can enter to all University faculties and to apply for open competitions.   
The solid cultural basis, the language and communication skills (it is required the learning of three foreign languages), the proper training concerning business, law and ICT will allow the student an adequate possibility of further education (post diploma studies and University faculties particularly in the area of foreign languages, economics abd Law) and a successuful placement in the professional world.

Here are the University departments more related to the curriculum in Tourism, Economics and Management:

  • Tourism Sciences
  • Economics and marketing
  • Foreign Languages and Literatures
  • Mathematics
  • Law


The teaching in the curriculum for Tourism, Economics abd Management gives the student a multidisciplinary education and a cross-discipline training. This allows the studdent with a certificate in this curriculum to have a wide range of job opportunities. 
The knowledge of three foreign languages and cultures opens to the creation of a CV appreciated all over the world.
The acquisition and the mastery of three foreign languages and their related technical vocabulary is strenghtened in written form- by producing writing texts concerning topics of tourism and economics; from an oral standpoint it is possible to attend conversation with mother-tongue native teachers and language-school exchanges abroad. 
The tourism sector is analyzed in all its economical, legislative/legal and socio-cultural meanings. 
The consolidation of specific contents in the field of economics and marketing develops peculiar skills, so that the student with this degree can spend his/her professional profile in the areas of communication and of advertising.
The study of arts, of culture and of the enogastronomical traditions of the country enables to shape professional figures that are able to analyze the tourism potentials of a land-district and to promote it as effectively as possible ( tourist geography) 

The advantage of a Technichal High School consists in allowing their students a double choice: enter directly into the the professional world, thanks to  the received qualifications or to continue their education career by attending a ’University  Department  or a Post- Graduate Course at an  ITS Academy,  with modern three-years training courses that will be equalised to the traditional degrees ( as a matter of fact, the Chamber of Commerce has approved the new legal text that redefines the mission and the organization of the Technical High Schools) 

S. Freud Paritary Institute - Private School Milan - Paritary School: IT Technical Institute, Tourism Technical Institute, High School of Human Sciences and High School
Via Accademia, 26/29 Milano – Viale Fulvio Testi, 7 Milano – Tel. 02.29409829 Virtuale fax 02.73960148 –
Milan High School - Private IT School Milan
Milan Private Tourism School - Human Sciences High School, Social and Economic Address Milan
Liceo Scientifico Milano
Contact us for more information: [email protected]

I commenti


Sono stata bocciata due volte di seguito in seconda al liceo linguistico, e vorrei cambiare indirizzo, però non riesco a continuare ancora in seconda, e vorreu fare due anni in uno per recuperare almeno un anno perso, grazie mille


Buongiorno, vorrei sapere quanto costa un'anno d'iscrizione? È possibile iscriversi ancora adesso?Grazie mille.

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