DECREE N.338 MITF005006
Freud Institute Milan, technical, technological, economic institute and high school of human sciences

Teaching and Objectives


How can you define "teaching"?

  • Teaching or didactics is the organization of knowledge by observings methods, time limits and units that can be learned by students ( cognitive aspects).  
  • Teaching means also to give proper educational models, by following the role of the teachers. 

The process of teaching consists in two parts:

  • The role of the  teacher, i.e process of teaching 
  • The role of the student, i.e process of learning 

The process of teaching also implies the management of the interactive relationship of teaching, an educational exchange of information between teacher and student. 

Who learns? The students only?

  • It would be erroneous to think that the process of leaarning concerns the students only, while teachers solely transmitt their knowledge  
  • Experience has shown that  good teachers complete their educational process after several years of training by teaching and so they learn that - only by improving their relationship with their students- they can be defined as "good teachers"

Empathy towards the students

  • Good teachers are also able to empathize towards the students to better understand the effects and the efficiency of their "activity" of teaching
  • The process of mutual understanding  (even if strictly limited) doesnt' t imply  the meaning of the following proverb " you lie with dogs, you wake up with fleas"

Organization of a proper educational plan 
The operation implies the organization of the teaching and learning activities connected to a time segment with a beginning and an end. 


Beginning End 
Time segment

Educational Program 

  • Identification of goals and means 
  • In operational terms
  • Identification of the single goals
  • Identifications of the means to achieve them 
  • Goal Definition 
  • that implies the ability to "undo" the goals pursued in the educational program into objectives that can be achieved in operational terms 

Optimization of the learning process

  • The activity of teaching implies the optimizazion of the learning process towards students- who have to learn something 
  • To settele goals and means to achieve the desired educational objectives


Before choosing the means, it is necessary to settle the choice of the objectives to pursue.

The teaching ability is evaluated at the beginning, not at the end. 

The teaching ability is evaluated in terms of acquirements obtained at the end of the educational process, but not at its beginning. 

All this implies that teachers have to constantly to pursue not ephemeral results at the end of their teaching activity. On the contrary it is important to achieve a legitimate goal, but ambitious as well, in order to constantly improve the teaching process. 


  • To study with method
  • To respond to the needs of an economic society constantly evolving in order to simplify the professional orientation and the placement into the labour market. 
  • To achieve a certificate of secondary school open to all University faculties for further education of our students.

For US the primary objective consists in giving the students a strong basic knowledge by providing the proper cultural instruments and by widening the variety of their individual interests. In this way it will be possible to create a personality enriched with motivation, able to face the future with flexibility. 

The School is open and addressed to all them that want to share and rely on our Educational Project.  

The secret of the “educational success”

The primary objective pursued by our School is the achievement of the “educational success”.

As far as concerns students, the educational success is related to the achievement of positive results in a context of "well being" by following the criteria below:

  • context of the school achievement - in a traditional point of view- i.e, acquisition of knowledge, competence and professionalism; 
  • cultural context, i.e conscious openness towards the world and ability in relating with it; 
  • civil context, i.e self-awareness and understanding of the wolrld as a citizen; 
  • personal context, i.e development and creation of an adult self

To achieve the following results it is necessary the close cooperation of students and their families. Students have also to be aware of their duty and to realize it in all seriousness and with persistence: families have to participate to the process of development of their children. They have not to delegate the whole responsibility to school institution, as far as concerns education.  

The context of the “educational success”

The school action is divided into four contexts:

  • Context of the teaching process: every school subjects has got specific objectives, concerning a teching and educational point of view. If you want to get to know them, you have to take into account the study plan of each single school subjects. You must read the following page to get to know the cognitive, educational and cross-cutting objectives. In the following pages all school activities are described: remedial courses for all students that show difficulty during the learning process, support courses for students with disabilities, integration courses for foreign students. 
  • Context of the cultural and civil empowerment: our school invests human and financial resources in important initiatives characterized by planning activities whose target consists in the human development of the students and the enhancement of their interests.
  • Context of the orientation and of the inclusion: our school organizes a series of activities, in order to better to prepare and simplify the inclusion of the new students; there also orientation activities to support the choices of our students from the first school days until the end.  
  • Context of the school well-being: our school organizes a series of iniatives, activities, projects and services to respond to the expressed needs ot to the latent demands of the students. It offers the students the chance to develop the most important topics of the adolescence and to give voice to their seriuos and positive solicitations. The primary goal is the achievement of important educational objectives, by contributing to the pesonal and civil growth of all our students. 

Cognitive and educational objectives

Here are the cross-cutting cognitive objectives: 

  • to acquire a method of learning, so that students can organize automously their work 
  • to know the general content of every school subject 
  • to know and to use the specific vocabulary of every school subject

Here are the cross-cutting educational objectives ( their aim is the gradual development of the student from a personal and civil point of view): c

  • to take their own responsibility 
  • to become self-aware, by recognizing their difficulty and ask for help, if necessary 
  • to devote constantly and in all seriousness to their duties, by respecting the deadlines 
  • to respect the others and their point of view 
  • to respect the school rules, the environments and the equipment for public use 
  • to participate proactively to the teaching and institutional activity of the school
  • to participate to school life by cooperating with teachers and schoolmates, especially when working in groups
  • to establish relationships between reality and the school learning 

Strategies to schieve the cross-cutting cognitive objectives 

The strategies to adopt are divided into five points: 

  • regular operating strategies related to the single school- subjects, as they result from the study-plan stated by the teacher and then transmitted to the class council.  t.
  • regular operating strategies concerted by every class council ( apart from the double obligation non to schedule more than a written text  a day, save for exceptional cases concerted with the students; give back the the correction of the written tests no later than 15 days)
  • supplementary or multidisciplinary operating strategies, as they result from the study- plan concerted with the class council. 
  • evaluation strategies  (see below)
  • remedial strategies (see below )

Strategies to achieve the cross-cutting cognitive objectives 

Both teachers and students have to follow some strategies, i.e behaviours that teachers have to assume and behaviours that teachers have to require to their students: 

Teachers have to:

  • demand punctuality  in the return of notifications or documents given to the students to be signed by their  families 
  • require that the classroom and the common areas are clean and kept in order
  • demand that the students do not disturb the school activities neither during the intervals among the lessons nor during the several transfers. 
  • let the students know and respect the Rules of the Institute
  • enhance the accemptance of responsibility, by highlighting the consequences of the individual actions on the community life  
  • enhance the students' participation to extracurricular activities promoted by the teachers' staff 
  • undertake orientation and reorientation interventions 

Students have to :

  • be punctual both during the class schedules and in the compliance with deadlines 
  • make a proper use of the facilities, equipment and teaching materials avere sempre a disposizione il materiale di lavoro necessario
  • do your homework and attend the activities promoted by the Institution regularly 
  • show willingness towards the activities suggested by the teachers
  • show formal respect towards the Principal, the teachers, the school's staff and  your schoolmates, the same mutual respect you wold like to receive 
  • pay attention - even during oral tests and/ or the revision of the exercises, by taking into account the educational value of these activities e
  •  listen to the interventions of your schoolmates respectfully and with attention  
  • interact together with your schoolmates proactively 
  • if absent, before joining again the school activities, ask information about the activities
  • accept every form of diversity, by considering it a chance of human enrichment 


The evaluation is how the degree of preparation of the students - in relation to the targets set from an educational point of view - is certified, by taking into consideration other elements, such as the level of participation, the method of learning, the efforts to achieve the results, the progress as compared to the starting level.  It is a personal action ( the single teacher gives his mark in a test and then communicates the decision to the class council) but also a group action ( during the final school scrutiny it is the whole class council that decides the attribution of the final school mark)

Our School moves trough two directions: 

  • give a transparent and proactive evaluation, addressed to motivate the student during his/her development of school growth  
  • encourage to the self-evaluation 


Communication to families occurs:

  • through the students' personal dossier  
  • in private interviews during the  “reception hours with families”
  • when giving to families the transcript of records of the first quarter of school term 
  • by means of a notification, given to the students within the month of April, concerning information about not satisfactory school subjects 
  • at the end of the school term, by delivering the material about information for possible remedial courses in summer 


In the pages below you can find :

  • the evaluation criteria
  • the evaluation criteria concerning marks for behaviour
  • elements that contribute to the final evaluation of the Class Council  
  • criteria that contribute to the attribution of school credit 


Please note that the following chart with the evaluation criteria provides general information that the teachers of every school subject and of different class council take into account in order to define more precise evaluation parameters, when programming in the didactic-disciplinary field.  

Evaluation criteria:

10 Full knowledge enriched by 


personal  study

Achievement of all the objectives with relevant pesonal contributions and critical processing skills.


Autonomy in work even in unrecorded contexts.

Argumentative confidence together with a rich and detailed vocabulary. 

9 Full knowledge of the objectives Achievement of the objective.


Ability to analyze, summarize and supplement the basic knowledge.

Ability to transfer knowledge and competences in unrecorded contexts. 

Adequate expression with a detailed vocabulary. 

8 Almost full knowledge of the objectives  Almost full knowledge of the objectives.


Ability to supplement information.

Ability to make connections showing the expertise to transfer knowledge and competence in known contexts and in simple unknown contexts.

Correct and adequate language.

7 Knowledge of many objectives Achievement of many objectives.


Adequate competence and correct application of knowledge. 

Ability to make simple connections showing the expertise to transfer knowledge and competenxe in known contexts. 

Adequate and coherent expression in language.

6 Essential knowledge of the objectives Achievement of the essential objectives. 


Essential competence, even though there is some uncertainty in the understanding of principles and in the application of knowledge; orientation with guidance

The achieved competence allow a partial autonomy only in known contexts.

Use of a simple language. Even though some uncertainty in communication, this results coherent with the contents.

5 Incorrect and/or incomplete knowledge of the objectives  Poor competence of the general objectives. Orientation with guidance. 


Partial accomplishment of homework

Use of an an inaccurate language. Difficulty in communication.

4 Erroneous and/or incomplete knowledge of the objectives Insufficient or seriuosly insufficient competences. 


Difficulty in doing homework that are often incomplete.

Use of an inaccurate language. Much difficulty in communication.

3 Seriously erroneous and/or incomplete knowledge of the objectives  Confused response to the requests.Seriously insufficient competences. Homewok is seldom carried out.


Use of an uninappropriate language. Ineffective communication.

2 Erroneous and almost nonexistent knowledge of the objectives   Difficulty in developing a speech.


No competence/ability concerning the requested skills.

1 Inexistent knowledge of the objectives Lack of comprehension of the requested competences

S. Freud Paritary Institute - Private School Milan - Paritary School: IT Technical Institute, Tourism Technical Institute, High School of Human Sciences and High School
Via Accademia, 26/29 Milano – Viale Fulvio Testi, 7 Milano – Tel. 02.29409829 Virtuale fax 02.73960148 –
Milan High School - Private IT School Milan
Milan Private Tourism School - Human Sciences High School, Social and Economic Address Milan
Liceo Scientifico Milano
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