DECREE N.338 MITF005006
Freud Institute Milan, technical, technological, economic institute and high school of human sciences



  • Study methodically
  • To acquire a secondary school diploma that opens the way to all university courses for those who intend to continue their studies
  • Respond to the needs of an ever-changing economic reality in a way that fosters career guidance and entry into the world of work.

For US , the goal is to train students with a broad and solid basic preparation that provides them with the cultural tools and broadens the range of individual interests, fostering the formation of a personality rich in motivation to face the future in a ductile, dynamic and capable way.                                                                                                                                                                         

The School builds its educational proposal around educational goals that have at their base the PECUP (Educational, Cultural and Professional Profile of the student) provided at the conclusion of all second-cycle courses.

It focuses the attention of educational action on three general purposes:

  •  the educational, cultural and professional growth of young people by indicating, as a specific task of the second cycle, that of transforming the multiplicity of knowledge into a unitary knowledge, endowed with meaning, rich in motivation and purpose;
  •  the development of autonomous and critical judgment, embodied in effective study method, planning and problem solving skills, the spirit of exploration and inquiry, and the achievement of moral responsibility;
  •  the ability to make conscious decisions about one's actions in relation to oneself and one's context; to take responsibility; in essence, to become an adult.

Our School sees itself as an educational agency that takes responsibility for the educational needs of its students, to enable their development in building their personal journey.

Our focus is on the following aspects:

  •  heterogeneous cultural proposals, in order to ensure that students have a varied educational offer accessible to all;
  •  formation of students as citizens, holders of rights, duties and responsibilities;
  •  proposals in the world of volunteering in its many ramifications;
  •  creation of spaces in which to meet "the other", experiencing different roles in relationships;
  •  increase of personal autonomy in the critical ability to choose through the integration of school and extracurricular education, formal and informal approaches.


  •  we believe in the uniqueness of each person and wish to provide space for his or her free expression, through the enhancement of his or her potential;
  •  we want to recognize the dignity, value, and identity of each person, in order to foster responsible and autonomous growth;
  •  we intend to offer a valid educational model to accompany students on their own path of growth;
  • we are committed to fostering in each student the creation of an entusiastic and purposeful image of his or her future.

The central crux of education is a process of inquiry, of interaction between the self and the other than oneself in lifelong learning, both for students and teachers and for the various people operating within the school.

Education must strive for the development of personal consciousness, which, however, must fit into the larger project of collective education. It is about perceiving oneself not as the center of the world, but as part of a community. Personal critical skills are required of teachers as educators, as well as clarity in purpose and method.

Our value system is based on the following criteria:

Respect for rules

Respect for rules and legality is an educational task that our school pursues with commitment on every occasion of school life, as the foundation of associated living.


The school belongs to everyone who lives and works within it. The involvement of each and everyone is an integral part of our project, with a view to continuous improvement.


In the school community, difference of opinion is an asset. Dialogue, which comes from listening to and respecting the other, is a transfer of knowledge and a tool through which we achieve a broader view of reality.

The constructive attitude toward error

Learning from mistakes, our own and others', is a duty. The finding of an error should not be a value judgment on the person but a tool for improvement and should therefore be handled in a way that does not compromise the student's self-esteem.

S. Freud Paritary Institute - Private School Milan - Paritary School: IT Technical Institute, Tourism Technical Institute, High School of Human Sciences and High School
Via Accademia, 26/29 Milano – Viale Fulvio Testi, 7 Milano – Tel. 02.29409829 Virtuale fax 02.73960148 –
Milan High School - Private IT School Milan
Milan Private Tourism School - Human Sciences High School, Social and Economic Address Milan
Liceo Scientifico Milano
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