DECREE N.338 MITF005006
Freud Institute Milan, technical, technological, economic institute and high school of human sciences

Multimedia Teaching

Istituto  “S. Freud” relies on a form of Multimedia Teaching. It's about a teaching method where the contribution of the technological innovation becomes an efficient instrument in favour of a proper process of learning.

The learning environment is structured in such a way that the student has to be involved and made protagonist of the lesson: the relationshio between teacher and student becomes more and more interactive thanks to the  condivision of the frame of new meanings, of information and of knowledge transmittted trough the multimedia channel, that allows to overcome the traditional frontal lesson and its related inaction.

The role played by multimedia technologies is very important for a teaching that wants to enhance the personal skills of all the students alorizzare le potenzialità dei singoli alunni by making them protagonists of the learning process and autonomous subjects, conscious of the knowledge and competence that learn at school within sight of a full placement in the professional world and in the contemporary society. 

Multimedia Teaching has a very important educational value, because it can increase and improve the personal productivity of the students  by creating an educational background typical of the personalized learning, i.e a setting where the students can express their potential through the self-learning simplified by the teachers' formative intervention and with the support of specific and suitable educational softwares.

All learning spaces are wired with  Wi-Fi Internet Wi-Fi (on optical fiber) and are provided with IWB and touch TV, upon which teachers can screen their mind maps and the schemes of their lessons. Using this procedure it is also possible to store on slides your notes. Then the teaching/learning material is attached on the Online-Register together with the current lesson, so that all students- even the absent ones- can use the educational equipment.

To this purpose, in a pionering spirit, Istituto Freud has also introduced an innovative form of  WEB TEACHING , i.E the use of video-classes where teachers summarize their lessons in a video that is recorded by using a specific Webcam installed in the classroom.  

Then, the video is uploaded on the Online-Register playing the role of an explanatory support of the lesson and of a facility for the learning process. 

The students use the  tablet or the personal computer as learning tools. Our Computer, Language and Science laboratories are advanced due to the educational softwares used during the lessons. 

Therefore, students enter in an environment permeated by technology : its contribution allows the student to be involved to the participation of the lesson whic occurs through a specific channel, by promoting the stimulaion and the maintenance of attention on one side, and on the other a form of useful memorization of the contents just learned.

The use of pictures, sounds, voice comments, hypertexts, mind maps, motions, videos and especially a general form of interactivity that recovers information on real time through the net develops the the communication skills of the students and enhances their interest, by promoting the implementation of their metacognitive process  (i.e the critical reflection on what you are learning) by leading them to " to do", "to gain experience" in a proactive way rather than passively " to listen to" or "to observe".

Istituto Freud looks for a multimedia service even in the choice of the adopted textbooks. All of these are in a digital e-book format.

For all curricula in the hours planned in compliance with the ministerial study plan, it is taken into account an effective use of laboratories. To these it is to add all the hours when “the lab goes to classroom”, i.e a multimedia, computerized and appilicational lesson thanks to the utilization of the technological equipment of the School and of the student.

In addition to this, students must record their entrance/exit from the classroom by means of a specific  INOUT installed on a tablet in each classroom. Through this app, students authenticate their entrance and exit from school, but also the exit and the entrance from the classroom - to go to the toilet, for example- by answering to  numerical random questions that only students can know  (postcode, home, first four digits of their mother's mobile, etc.). The introduction of this rule- addressed to a security target- get the students used to learn some responsibility about punctuality and about typical proceedings of the professional world.

Therefore, it is also important that teachers stay updated on technology in order to keep up with the digital natives.


The use of metaverse in education "the eduverse," constitutes a recent field of exploration, offering the possibility of gaining new "spaces" of social communication, greater freedom in creating and sharing immersive educational experiences, through virtualization.

Metaverse, in English translation, means digital reality that combines aspects of social media, online gaming, augmented reality and virtual reality.

The Metaverse is developed in the digital, its matter is composed of data and information, in close correlation with the universe of the objective; its structure is spatio-temporal, the same as the physical universe. It is a structure composed of length, width, depth and time: cyberspace (Computer Science and Engineering Online).

The S. Freud School, in keeping with its prerogative of uniqueness and innovation, is a pioneer in Italy of the "Metaverse and Augmented Reality in Education" project, a new strategy for learning aimed at creating a school educational continuum between physical space and virtual space, that is, an on-life experiential environment in which the learner is continuously stimulated in attention and understanding.

The learner, equipped with a virtual reality viewer, directly participates in the cognitive formative process; every playful-educational activity is geared toward social interaction, with the environment and with others. The learner is continuously an active participant, enveloped in sensory and emotional interaction performing in a concrete sense. Curiosity, fascination and enthusiasm accompany the mood of the classroom.

As anticipated above, therefore, the provision of virtual reality viewers revisits and disrupts traditional education: the classroom moves along timelines and spatial lines; the immersive, playful and experiential approach fosters active, engaging and integrated learning.

Physical school environments, today, cannot be designed without also taking into account digital environments, to configure, therefore, new dimensions of hybrid learning.

S. Freud School, aware of all this, stands at the forefront of change.


How can you define  multimedia?
" With several means" it is its literary translation. It is about multimedia contents- especially in a computer science background- when you want to communicate some information by using a lot of media, i.e different means of communication: pictures in motion ( video), static images ( photos), music and lyrics. The new border of the mobile communication consists udoubtedly in sending and receiving multimedia contents with its own mobile devices.

What do multimedia supports to the teaching currently offer?
They make it possible that the school institution can re-define its cultural layout, its form of teaching, its process of interaction. Multimedia is not only a new support within which toconvey the old contents of knowledge. It's something more, it's something completely different: it's the revision of the previous contents, the revision of the previous layouts; it's the mobilisation of new forms of energy and creativity in directions totally new for schools. Therefore, it is necessary to reshapeits own identity,  the background of knowledge, the relationship with the young people, in order to create a real multimedia school. 

How do students change their way of learning, by using the PC?
It addresses towards real directions, that play a very important role. The direct relation established with the source of knowledge changes as well: there is an increase of phisiology and psycology in the multimedia learning, i.e. it's the whole body that takes part to this process. The body and not only the mind and the intelligence. Everything becomes a subject of learning. It is also present a manual element typical of the interactive process, that you must not neglect; there is a dimension of full-immersion together with new projections and processes of identification that open to the affectivity of learning in a new way.

Students who are sitting in front of a computer play the role of teachers, because their mental approaches make them more capable to understand the functioning of the electronic medium. Is it true and what about the consequences on teachers and students?
It is absolutely true. Nowadays students are multimedia creatures, i.e. they use all the elements, all the instruments to get in touch with the world and with themselves. They are not still adults, they are not ried to the control that is typical of written communication. They are creatures "in fieri" who collect all the elements that are useful to establish a relation with the surrounding world. Therefore, this multimedia way of being is a feature you have not to neglect or put down; on the contrary you have to take care of this frame of mind and teachers have also to acquire this knowledge. Modern teachers have to find the way to empathize with this new multimedia creature, by becoming  multimedia teachers. Only if teachers take on the role of students- by using  a proper way of communication-  they will be able to develop their identity and their form of adults.





S. Freud Paritary Institute - Private School Milan - Paritary School: IT Technical Institute, Tourism Technical Institute, High School of Human Sciences and High School
Via Accademia, 26/29 Milano – Viale Fulvio Testi, 7 Milano – Tel. 02.29409829 Virtuale fax 02.73960148 –
Milan High School - Private IT School Milan
Milan Private Tourism School - Human Sciences High School, Social and Economic Address Milan
Liceo Scientifico Milano
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