Human Sciences High School- Socioeconomics
and Management
Decree on Equal Education N. 2684 Mechanographic Code: MIPMRI500E
This regulation declares the methods, spaces and times of student action, establishes the rules that guarantee respect for the rights and duties of all school components
and provides for possible sanctions. It also regulates the composition, appointment procedure and functioning of the Internal Guarantee Body.
It is obligatory to comply with the following directions
The school schedule is set by the Board of Teachers. The above timetable and any changes will be communicated to families from time to time. Pupils are expected to observe the entrance and exit time punctually.
1.2. Regular attendance at classes and educational initiatives and activities that supplement the school curriculum (educational outings, technical visits, fields days, etc.) is mandatory.
1.3 The start of classes is set for 08.00 hours. When the first bell rings at 7:55 a.m., pupils and teachers will reach their respective classrooms where classes will formally begin.
1.4 Outsiders are prohibited, both in attendance and in the case of IDD (Digitized Home Instruction).
2.1 Pupils who document sporadic use of public transportation and actual remoteness from the school premises may apply to the Teaching Coordinator and obtain an appropriate permit for late entry no later than 15 minutes after the start time of class.
2.2 All other late pupils, if their delay does not exceed five minutes, may be admitted to the classroom at the sole discretion of the teacher or the Principal, subject to an appropriate entry in the Electronic Record.
2.3 If their delay exceeds five minutes, they will be admitted to the classroom only from the second hour of class or at the sole discretion of the Principal
2.4 After three delays made in a month, the school will send specific notice to the family. After five tardies, understood as both second-hour entry and entry within five minutes, totaled in a month, the student will not be admitted to class unless accompanied by the parent.
2.5 In exceptional cases, the Principal shall authorize the entry of pupils who have requested to enter at the beginning of the second hour for medical examinations and health checks or for going to Public Offices operating in the morning. The family is required to notify the school in advance, through the appropriate function made available on the Electronic Record, of the student's commitment and expected time of arrival at school and to wait for confirmation of the acceptance of the request.
2.6 No late entries are allowed after the end of the second hour, except in cases of proven exceptionality.
3.1 Students are not allowed to leave early before the end of class. Exception will be allowed only in case of necessity by the Education Coordinator. Pupils who are minors will be allowed to leave only at the express request of the parent.
As a rule, they are not allowed to leave before the fifth hour (12:55 p.m.).
3.2 The family is required to notify the school in advance, through the appropriate function made available on the Electronic Registry, of the student's commitment and expected time of exit and to wait for confirmation of the acceptance of the request. This request must be made no later than 9:00 a.m. on the day of which the leave is requested.
3.3 During school activity, leaving the Institute without permission, even if momentary, is considered serious misconduct and will be punished with a suspension of one to three days.
4.1 A student's absence must be justified by the parent or guardian through the Electronic Record by the day of the student's return to school. Justifications are verified by the first hour teachers by proxy of the Principal.
4.2 Absences and delays must be justified promptly, that is, within 24 hours. It should be noted that in case of repeated non-compliance consisting of having reached the number of 3 unexcused and/or justified absences/delays even if not consecutive, the student will be admitted to school only if accompanied by the parent.
4.3 The Principal will evaluate the behavior of pupils in case of "strategic absences" aimed at avoiding scheduled verifications and will determine the appropriate measures. Please note that, per ministerial provisions, absences and tardiness, even if justified, remain and are one of the competing elements in the formulation of the judgment and evaluation of a pupil's conduct (Art. 13O.M. n. 90/2001).
5.1 There are two intervals: the first at 10:50 a.m. (of fifteen minutes) and the second at 12:55 p.m. (of ten minutes).
5.2 Classroom recesses are held within individual
5.3 The use of bathrooms is limited to the facilities located on the floor where the
class is located.
5.4 Supervision during recess is entrusted to the teachers who have performed the hour before the start of recess. Only and exclusively during recesses is it permitted to have a snack in the classroom. At the end of recess, students will be responsible for tidying up
the classroom. In any case, students are expected to behave properly and responsibly to avoid damage to themselves, others or property.
5.5 The consumption of food and drink in classrooms and laboratories during class hours is strictly prohibited.
6.1 It is good to always show a serious and correct attitude with the Institute, its teachers, its staff, and in the relationship between peers.
6.2 The life of the school is inspired by the common norms of civil coexistence, as well as democratic respect among the various components, with particular reference to rights and duties, as provided for by Presidential Decree No. 249 of June 24, 1998, as amended by Presidential Decree No. 325 of November 21, 2007.
6.3 Learners shall also respect the school environment in dress, verbal and nonverbal expression and personal care.
6.4 Pupils must categorically comply with all school requirements in terms of safety, hygiene and behavior.
6.5 In classrooms, everyone shall respect his or her assigned seat and abide by the seating plan decided by the class council.
6.6 The pupil is required to follow the routes predetermined in the emergency plan when entering and leaving school, observing the appropriate signs.
6.7 The pupil is required to carry textbooks and teaching materials indicated by teachers for individual subjects. Except for one's own PC or teaching materials, no other items of any other nature (e.g., small bottles of water, sweatshirts, backpacks, hats. These materials should be placed inside one's backpack).
6.8 It is strictly forbidden to copy programs from personal computers.
It is forbidden to take out of the Institute, without proper request, any educational and non-instructional materials owned by the Institute.
6.9 During classes and hour changes, it is forbidden to leave the classroom without permission from the teacher. Pupils, with the permission of the teacher, may go to the toilets one at a time during all hours.
6.10 For Physical Science activities, the pupil is required to come in the prescribed clothing. It is strongly recommended to sanitize hands frequently.
6.11 It is forbidden to go to the secretary's office during class hours.
6.12 For science disciplines, if granted by the teacher, students are required to provide themselves with appropriate calculators if the use of computer tools (cell phone, tablet, PC) for this purpose is not permitted. In the above cases, if the teacher finds contrary attitudes, the student will be sanctioned with a disciplinary measure commensurate with the severity and possible repetition, which may range from a verbal warning to expulsion, by means of the Electronic Record.
6.13 Pupils who persist in maintaining behavior contrary to these regulations and who have been sanctioned 10 times with disciplinary notes through the Electronic Register, or with the imposition of No. 4 hours of community service, will be suspended by the Principal, with compulsory attendance, from 1 to 3 days. The Instructional Coordinator shall decide, in his or her sole discretion, to sanction with suspension from 1 to 3 days a student who has even a single serious disciplinary note, with important repercussions on the conduct grade awarded by the Class Council.
6.14 Exemption from Physical Education hours for a period longer than two weeks is to be requested from the Principal according to a procedure prescribed by ministerial regulations.
6.15 The use of cell phones is not allowed in classrooms for any reason except during recess. Their use is also not allowed during the change of time. The use of any electronic/computer device not specifically designated by the teacher as a teaching tool for the lesson being taught is also prohibited. Failure to comply with the rule will result in removal from the classroom and immediate assignment, starting the same afternoon, of No. 3 hours of Socially Useful Work, subject to notification by the teacher to the Secretariat or Education Secretary.
In the event that the student fails to show up, one day of suspension with compulsory attendance will be imposed, subject to the approval of the Principal
6.16 If a pupil - who has been assigned a certain number of hours of Socially Useful Work or Assisted Study - fails to show up for the fulfillment of the measure - unless the parent has notified the School in advance giving appropriate reasons - a one-day suspension with compulsory attendance will be imposed, without prejudice to the fulfillment of any remaining hours of Socially Useful Work or Assisted Study.
It is forbidden to write on desks, chairs, walls; any damage caused (if voluntary) to the facility must be compensated. Each class group is responsible for the classroom and the furniture in it. Any damage caused must be compensated by those responsible, if identified; otherwise such damage must be compensated by all the students in the class, if the classroom is damaged, or by all the students in the school if common facilities are damaged.
The Principal may decide not to authorize extracurricular activities for pupils or classes that have caused damage to facilities and may decide to assign students to clean or restore deteriorated furniture. In the event that the perpetrators are not identified, a complaint against unknown persons will be made ex officio to the public security organs, without prejudice to any disciplinary measures.
All teaching and non-teaching staff, pupils and parents are strictly required to comply with the ban on smoking on school premises, including bathrooms, hallways, laboratories, gymnasium, library, stairs, secretarial offices, inner courtyard pertaining to the school and Management.
Offending Pupils will be fined in accordance with current regulations and punished with No. 3 days of suspension with compulsory attendance, subject to the authorization of the Principal who will take further disciplinary measures in case of recidivism. It is the obligation of all school personnel to enforce this ban at all times. The smoking ban is also extended to electronic cigarettes and the like.
Any form of selling and posting is prohibited in the Institute. The dissemination and publication of digital files within the school in the reserved spaces is subject to the consent of the Headmaster's Office.
10.1 Student assemblies shall be held in the manner provided for in former Articles 43 and 44 of Presidential Decree 416/74 (now Articles 12 and 13 of Legislative Decree.16.04.94 No. 297).
All class and school assemblies will be held on the premises under the supervision of the teacher who ensures compliance with safety rules and school regulations within the school premises. Students follow the agenda, taking the floor one at a time and under the direction of their elected chairperson
10.2 During assemblies, students are not allowed to leave with the exception of the cases provided for in Article 3 of these regulations. For the smooth running of the assemblies and for supervisory duties, certain teachers will be delegated from time to time by the Educational Coordinator. At the request of students, the hours set aside for assemblies may be used for cultural or sports activities.
10.3 Class assemblies, ordinarily lasting one hour, are requested by class representatives using the appropriate function on the electronic register. The Principal sets the time and date of the assembly and designates a teacher to ensure proper management. During the assembly, the student class representatives take minutes of what is discussed, which they send to the secretary, the address contact person and the Principal.
The operation of the laboratories is regulated and coordinated by a teacher in charge, designated by the Teachers' Board. The laboratories are open to students for experiences and research within the framework of collegiate planning, including in the afternoon hours, with the presence of a teacher.
12 GYM
Access to the gymnasium and participation in the activities held there are regulated as prescribed in the appropriate Regulations, to which reference is made.
The activities of Educational and Study Trips are governed as per the appropriate Regulations, to which reference is made.
14.1 In the spirit of establishing an open dialogue between families and teachers, aimed at the best knowledge of the students and their problems, teachers will receive in presence and/or by video conference, families collegially and/or individually according to the modalities established by the Teachers' Board and after hearing the needs brought forward by the parents.
14.2. The Principal communicates information, calendars and teachers' office hours and general initiatives through published documents to students and their families, by Electronic Register and in extreme cases by registered mail or PEC. Personal communications to parents are also possible in cases of particularly bad behavior or for situations related to school progress, even at the request of the Class Council or an individual teacher. Also by written message, the Principal or teachers may request an interview with parents.
14.3 With a view to facilitating the school-family relationship, the institute provides the possibility of conducting - after booking through the appropriate function of the Electronic Registry - face-to-face interviews or at a distance with the use of Teams or Skype, which teachers will access during their own office hours, through a personal ID.
All components have the right to meet on school premises outside school hours in accordance with the procedures set forth in Presidential Decree 416/74. Dates and times will be agreed from time to time with the management, however, the working hours of non-teaching staff should always be taken into account.
All students are expected to follow the rules outlined in the evacuation and safety plan, as well as the School's protocol, posted in Bakeka and which will be sent to all teachers and pupils' families.
The Institute is equipped with an elevator for floor access. Students are not allowed to use it except in ascertained cases of reduced mobility. In case of transgression, the Principal will impose a disciplinary sanction.
Each person working within the Institute (teaching and non-teaching staff, students) is provided with an identification badge, equipped with a bar code, which must be worn for the duration of their stay within the school premises, including during intervals.
Students, therefore, are required to take care of the badge and wear it. Those who fail to comply with this rule will be sanctioned with a specific disciplinary note.
If the personal badge is lost, it will be the student's responsibility to request a new one through e-commerce, at a cost of €5.
Pupils are required to wear, when notified by the Coordinator
Education, the school uniform consisting of:
- black Freud long trousers
- orange Freud polo shirt
- orange Freud sweatshirt
Non-compliance is sanctioned with a note, which will concur negatively in awarding the conduct grade.
In accordance with Presidential Decree No. 249 of 24.06.1998 Art. 3 (duties) the S. Freud School applies the following disciplinary measures: Presidential Decree No. 249 of 24.06.98 Art. 3
1. Students are required to regularly attend courses and assiduously fulfill their study commitments.
Punctuality and frequency
1. The student has a duty to attend class regularly, to be present in class at the beginning of each class; not to be arbitrarily absent from either the class or the school. A student admitted to class five minutes from the beginning of the first hour shall be reported on the Electronic Record. If the tardiness exceeds five minutes, the student will be admitted to class at the next hour. In exceptional cases, the student may be admitted to class by the Education Principal. If a student does not attend class regularly, the Class Coordinator, having consulted with colleagues if he/she deems it appropriate and having heard the student's reasons, will have the Secretary send a notice to the family and, in case of recurrence, will request the convening of the Class Council, which may remove the student from class for up to five days. If a student is not in class at the beginning of one of the classes following the first one, the teacher, upon his or her return, will note the absence in the electronic register.
If a student arbitrarily absents himself/herself from a class (a. for the entire hour; b. for the entire rest of the morning), the teacher and Class Coordinator will consider requesting the convening of the Class Council, which may remove the student from class for up to two days (case a.) and up to three days (case b.).
If a student is a repeat offender, the Class Council may remove the student from class for up to five days. The student is required to communicate the reason for the absence and to justify and explain it before returning to school via the Electronic Record. The teacher may admit him/her to class without such justification but will warn him/her about the fact that if he/she does not justify three absences even if not consecutive, he/she will not be admitted to class unless accompanied by the family.
2. Students are expected to have the same respect, including formal respect, toward the Head of School, faculty, the entire school staff and their fellow students as they demand for themselves.
In the case of disrespect by a student or students towards the Head of School, teachers, the entire school staff, their fellow students and in the use of the school premises and everything in them, the Class Council will be convened if students from the same class are involved, or the Joint Class Councils if students from different classes are involved;
The Class Council(s) may remove the student(s) from the school for up to fifteen days.
3.In the exercise of their rights and in the fulfillment of their duties, students are required to maintain proper behavior consistent with the principles set forth in Article 1 of Presidential Decree No. 249 of June 24, 98.
Should a teacher detect by one or more students a non-serious deficiency, he/she will note it on the Electronic Record. In the case of a deficiency of some significance, in addition to the above notations, the teacher will notify the Class Coordinator who will request the convening of the Class Council (or joint Class Councils if students from different classes are involved), which may remove the student from classes from one to five days. If the misconduct is particularly serious, the Class Council (in the former case) or the Joint Class Councils (in the latter case) may order the removal from classes for up to fifteen days. The Principal may remove the student from class from one to three days without the need to convene the Class Council.
4. Students are required to observe the organizational and safety regulations dictated by the regulations of individual institutions.
Organizational and safety provisions.
In cases of non-compliance with the organizational and safety provisions dictated by the school regulations, the teachers in charge of supervision will verbally admonish the student, urging him or her to behave more properly; in the most serious cases, the Class Council will be convened, which may remove the student from school for up to fifteen days.
5.Students are expected to make proper use of facilities, machinery and teaching aids and to behave in school life in a way that does not cause damage to school property.
Proper use of facilities and school property.
If a student causes damage to school property, causing breakdown or damage to facilities, machinery and teaching aids, he/she has a duty to compensate for the damage caused to the extent determined by the Guarantee Body convened for the purpose, in addition to any sanctions applied. In the most serious cases, the Class Council will be convened, which may expel the student from school for up to fifteen days.
6. Students share the responsibility of making the school environment welcoming and taking care of it as an important factor in the quality of school life.
Care of the school environment
If a student defaces or soils the school environment, he or she is required to restore it personally, including purchasing, at his or her own expense, the necessary materials. If a student fails to fulfill this obligation, the teacher will report his refusal on the Electronic Record and, in case of recurrence or seriousness of failure, will propose to the Principal to request the convening of the Class Council to consider the possibility of removing the student from classes for up to fifteen days.
Precautionary Suspension
The Principal, in consultation with the Regional School Director, will consider convening the Board of Teachers and the Board of Supervisors to order the removal of the student from the school community when offenses have been committed or there is danger to the safety of persons.
Final Rules
1. All sanctions should be guided by the "principle of reparation of harm," and, therefore, the student offender must be offered the opportunity to commute the punishment to activities that benefit the school community.
2. The afternoon activity to be carried out for the benefit of the social community shall not exceed fifteen days.
3. Failure to serve the punishment that has been imposed shall constitute contestation of a new charge.
All sanctions under these regulations may be decreed only after the offending students have been heard, and in the case of removal the families will be heard.
The School's gym is the space where phisical activity and its theory are made concrete; where fair play is practiced, sports ethics are increased and built. It is the indoor and/or outdoor classroom largest and busiest in the school, the only one "occupied" on a weekly basis by all pupils, both for curricular and sports group hours. Compliance with these regulations is essential both for the proper and rational use of the space and as a means of preventing unpleasant injuries. Compliance is a guarantee of the mental and physical well-being of each and every one.
Each class will go to the Gym accompanied by the Physical Science teacher; on the way from the classroom to the Gymnasium, the class should walk without raising their voices so as not to disturb the ongoing classes in the other classrooms. Please note that entry to the Gym is allowed only in the presence of the teacher.
In order to ensure and protect the safety of all and everyone, it is necessary inevitably and without exception to:
It is also made known that:
1. The gym of the S. Freud School is covered by Insurance.
This insurance covers only damage to property and/or people caused directly through the fault of the School. All damages to the gym's facilities ando property, even if in the exercise of activities carried out with teacher-instructors, will be borne by those who caused them.
2. In the presence of pathologies, access to the Gym without a valid medical certificate authorizing motor activity is prohibited.
3. The cleanliness and orderliness of the environments are also entrusted to the good manners and sense of respect of the students.
4. Consistent and appropriate attire is mandatory for access to the Gym.
5. Students are required to wear T-shirts and shorts with the school logo. Clothing is to be purchased on the Institute's e-commerce.
6. It is strictly forbidden to enter the halls with used shoes outside the Gym, especially with stilettos
7. It is mandatory to be equipped with a towel; it is forbidden to walk around the Gym premises without clothing.
7. It is compulsory to be equipped with a towel; walking around the Gym premises without clothing is prohibited.
8. For forgotten clothing and footwear, the student may ask at the front desk. After two weeks have passed, they will be donated to charity.
9. It is compulsory to put away used equipment after the workout.
10. Dropping weights is prohibited.
11. The teacher is requested to notify the secretary if, during the lesson, there is any damage to the equipment, caused during exercises or by careless behavior of students.
12. In case of serious accidents the teacher shall: - immediately call 112 and the Institute's First Aid contact person; - draw up an appropriate report, in which he/she will highlight the dynamics of the accident, and deliver it duly signed to the secretary's office.
13. Smoking (including electronic cigarettes) is strictly prohibited inside the Gym (as well as in the bathrooms and locker rooms).
14. Inappropriate or uncivilized behavior will be severely punished.
The management reserves the right to remove anyone who does not comply with these Regulations.
For the successful educational and cultural outcome of educational and study trips, we remind you that the groups move as a school institution and therefore each individual student is required to strictly observe the behavioral rules that the Institute has established.
In the event of behavior "not in keeping" with the rules described below, Teachers will promptly report any such situations to parents in order to pursue and continue constructive dialogue for the complete formation of the student. The collaboration between the Institute, the family and the student will therefore prove decisive in achieving this end. We therefore ask parents to share with us educators the responsibility for their children, so that the "off-site" experience is an integral part of the formative and didactic work and takes place in the utmost safety and protection of the student himself.
The Institute guarantees the presence of conscientious and well-prepared teachers, who will regularly follow and supervise the children entrusted to them with care and a sense of responsibility, taking charge of any emergency and informing the students in detail of every organizational aspect.
The Institute screens, proposes and deliberates Educational Trips in line with the "educational purposes" of each course of study. It evaluates the cultural and educational aspects and chooses among the service providers (Tourist Agencies, coaches, hotels, restaurants etc.), the companies that historically, or notoriously, can give the broadest guarantees of reliability and safety.
The Institute makes available to students and their families, well in advance, the detailed program of each Educational Trips, so that the family and the student can share in its participation.
The Institute has taken out an Insurance Policy that covers the educational activity carried out both inside the Institute and outside (Educational Trips).
In the case of language internships, the Institute collaborates with agencies experienced in the field, with whom it makes preliminary arrangements to ensure educational success.
They undertake to adhere to strictly observe the following behavioral norms.
They undertake to read, sign these regulations and make their children aware of the behavioral norms below.
They undertake to recall their children if, during the course of the Educational Trip, any "inappropriate" behavior is reported by the accompanying teachers.
In particular, they undertake to sensitize their children to observe "responsible" behavior during the "free breaks," duly reported in the program, covered only partially by the supervision of the accompanying teachers. The family is asked to pay special attention with respect to the night rest, where necessarily the vigilance is lessened.
It is obligatory to comply with the following directions:
1. Maintain proper behavior that is respectful of things and people.
2. Strictly adhere to the directions of the chaperones for both organizational (schedules, accommodations...) and educational aspects.
3. Do not take any personal initiative without the consent of the teachers in charge.
4. Do not make arrangements, not even parents, without having informed the chaperones in advance.
5. Promptly notify the teachers of any unforeseen events, mishaps and discomfort.
6. Maintain a polite and attentive attitude toward guides or teachers during explanations.
7. Do not disturb, for any reason, the smooth running of the outing
8. Not bothering fellow students, distracting them or holding a rude attitude toward them.
9. Do not carry or buy anything illicit (alcohol, substances...) even if of age.
10. In case of multi-day Educational Study Trip:
a. maintain polite behavior in the rooms in which one is staying overnight, using the tools provided only for permitted uses;
- b. promptly inform the faculty of any malfunctions existing at the time one takes possession of the room or of any accidental damage caused;
- c. the student's family is always responsible for any damage caused by their son/daughter for the duration of the stay;
- d. not change their assigned logistical arrangement or leave their room after the time designated for rest.
- e. respect one's own and others' rest so as not to frustrate the proper objectives of the educational trip.
11.Respect the presence of other customers in restaurants and public places by maintaining a polite attitude, observing any queues, speaking in a tone that is not elevated, and leaving the premises in order.
12. Do not perform any action that may endanger one's own and others' safety.
13. Teachers must be informed in advance of any medication a student may be taking. Should the parent deem it appropriate (due to the age of the pupil or the severity of the case), the medication may be entrusted to the accompanying teacher for administration.
14. The same report must be made in the case of a particular dietary diet.
15. Should the family feel that the safety of their child/children is at risk, they may impose additional restrictions or rules.
16.The educational stay/outing is documented on the School's official social networks.
17. For all emergencies concerning specific personal situations, it is strictly required that the family join their child/children on site at their own expense.
18. The student is required to wear the school uniform consisting of:
orange polo shirt, orange sweatshirt, black trousers with logo and identification tag.
19. Failure to comply with any point of these Regulations will be sanctioned by the School Disciplinary Committee.
It is obligatory to comply with the following directions:
1. Classes shall use the laboratory indicated in the weekly class schedule. No laboratory or schedule may be changed without permission from the Head of Laboratories.
2. Access to and use of laboratories and workstations are noted on the appropriate log book, on which the date, time of use, class, and signature of the teacher or person responsible for authorizing use are indicated.
3. Teachers who wish to use the laboratory with classes outside normal class hours must reserve the laboratory (if available) by request to the Education Coordinator.
4. Projects involving the use of the lab must be arranged in advance with the Lab Manager.
5. Teachers who plan not to use their assigned lab on a particular day are requested to indicate this by sending an email to providing the reason.
6. Classes may not have access to the laboratory without the presence of the teacher. Individual pupils may only have access to the laboratory for teaching purposes, with permission issued by the Education Coordinator, in the presence of a teacher.
7. It is the teacher's duty and responsibility to check that the consumable materials necessary for the conduct of classes within the Laboratory room are not missing, i.e., are not removed from their location.
8. In case of any problems encountered on the machines, teachers must provide immediate notification to the Laboratory Manager via communication
9. The teacher shall report both breakdowns and any damage (of any kind) found on the stations or furniture by noting them in the logbook and sending an email to
10. At the beginning of the school year, the teacher assigns each pupil a place in the classroom; this place cannot be changed without the teacher's permission.
11. Each pupil is responsible for the seat used during class time and is required to immediately report to the teacher or Lab Manager any breakdown or dysfunction found, as well as the presence of writings detected on the seat itself.
12. Pupils shall bring to the labs only those materials necessary for the conduct of the lesson.
13. It is strictly prohibited to consume food or beverages in the labs.
14. Pupils, before leaving the lab, will take care to rearrange the chairs and discard in the appropriate containers; PCs should be left unplugged, but turned on to allow for thecontrol and shutdown by the person in charge.
15. The use of cell phones is prohibited. Phones should be deposited in the appropriate box at the entrance to the laboratory.
16. Office menus must not change: standard and formatting menu bars must remain in place. The position of icons must remain unchanged.
17. USB flash drives, personal CDs and DVDs may be used only with the permission of the teacher.
18. It is forbidden to download music files, photos, movies and multimedia files except those necessary for educational purposes, and in any case, before downloading documents or files from the Internet, permission must be sought from the teacher.
19. Copies of software on the workstations may not be made unless authorized and only in the case of free software.
20. It is not possible to use and/or install software other than that for which the school is duly licensed to use.
21. Users may use the Institute's workstations to access the Internet for educational purposes only.
22. It is forbidden to alter the options of the browsing software. Labs are open according to a set schedule or upon explicit requests made to the Instructional Coordinator by teachers.
Regular attendance of the lab according to the established schedule and the use of subject-specific educational software is recommended.
Requests for installation of new software should be made to by Oct. 10, 2023.
The S. Freud School supports pupils unable to attend because they are undergoing treatment and therapy at home through the exclusive Digitized Home Instruction service.
The granting of this service is the exclusive right of the Principal, who will decide in an unquestionable manner on the activation of the procedures, after viewing the medical documentation produced by the family and proving the inability to travel to school to participate in classes for a period of time of not less than thirty days, even if not continuous.
The regulatory directions of Digitized Home Education can be found in Ministerial Decree 461 of June 6, 2019.
The student will be able to attend classes online, connecting synchronously with the class on the Microsoft Teams platform, using their institutional email
It is obligatory to comply with the following directions:
1. Report to IDD classes on time, logging in a few minutes before the scheduled time.
2. Equip oneself with the necessary materials to conduct the lesson.
3. A proper, serious and respectful attitude toward the virtual classroom, the lecturer and fellow students is required.
4. Use the camera and remain - for the duration of the lecture - in front of the webcam. Participation in the meeting with the webcam turned off is allowed only in special cases and upon reasoned request by the student to the teacher before the session begins.
5. In case of accessing the lesson with the webcam disabled, after an initial reminder, the teacher will give a disciplinary note to the student and exclude him/her from the video lesson.
6. During the video lecture, the presence of the parent may be useful only at an early stage and/or for students who are not fully autonomous in using the
information technology. It will be the responsibility of teachers and parents to work together to empower and make students increasingly autonomous.
7. Inviting other people into the "virtual room" is strictly prohibited.
8. It is forbidden to take pictures of classmates and/or the teacher.
9. It is obligatory to keep the microphone off and turn it on only when the lecturer calls for intervention.
10. Do not tamper with classmates' or teacher's microphone.
11. The use of cell phones or other devices during the web class is prohibited.
12. It is forbidden to eat during the web class.
13. Appear at the web class in appropriate attire.
14. Respect the delivery time of the proposed activities.
Please note that any violations of the above points will be redressed with disciplinary action.
Netiquette for the teacher:
1. send students the invitation link to the lesson at least 5 minutes before the start of the activity;
2. connect to the web lesson 5 minutes in advance, "opening the virtual classroom," if there were no lesson hours immediately previous by schedule;
3. take the regular roll call;
4. leave the class virtual classroom "open" throughout the morning;
5. maintain an atmosphere of participation and silence, managing the class in terms of order and discipline;
6. requesting that microphones be turned off;
7. require that the webcam be turned on;
8. require the student not to use cell phones or other devices;
9. require the student not to eat in video lecture;
10. conduct an engaging and interactive lesson: use empathy and persuasion as well as sensitive intelligence;
11. monitor that students have understood the content explained, including frequent questions to individuals;
12. never leave the classroom before the end of the lesson.