Human Sciences High School- Socioeconomics
and Management
Decree on Equal Education N. 2684 Mechanographic Code: MIPMRI500E
December 2016
Revised to update January 1, 2020
Internal Regulations applied to the employees of the PRIVATE School "S. Freud" of Milan - Via Accademia No. 26.29 - Supplementary Norms to the C.C.N.L. Private Schools - ANINSEI.
These internal regulations are to be considered supplementary to the contractual regulations provided for in the C.C.N.L. that governs the employment relationship of the personnel employed by the Scuola PARITARIA "S. Freud" di Milano - Via Accademia n° 26.29 and dictates the rules and regulations of the relationship itself, as well as behavioral norms and technical-operational-administrative procedures to be fulfilled.
Moreover, for the TEACHING staff, it is to be understood as supplementary to the regulations in force and highlights how in the exercise of their professionalism̀, they foster a continuous, gradual, flexible learning process, centered on the development of skills and competencies, in a continuous reflection on innovative and engaging teaching practices.
The "Internal Rules and Regulations" is visual on the digital bulletin board within the electronic register and is given to all staff upon employment.
Without prejudice to the provisions of current contractual labor regulations, the hiring of personnel is done by signing the letter of engagement (so-called individual contract) drawn up in duplicate. This document contains all the contractual conditions and may follow any previous letter of commitment or proposal of employment, in which the different conditions of the relationship have already been indicated or may have changed in the meantime, and therefore the document to be considered officially and legally valid remains the letter of employment.
Upon hiring, "Teacher" personnel shall:
Deliver upon signing the appointment, the TEACHING METHODOLOGY.
Deliver a self-certification or directly the compulsory vaccinations carried out.
Documentation regarding any requests for family loads or related to previous employment relationships (only at the request of the School and for reasons of authorization of the right to tax and/or social security benefits provided for new hires)
Ordinary working hours are stated in the CCNL, and only the two major cases involving the following rule are mentioned in these regulations:
For administrative and secretarial staff = 38 hours per week distributed as follows:
Morning: from 8.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon - Monday to Friday - Afternoon: from 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. - Monday to Friday - there is also the possibility of having to work also on Saturday from 8.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. with compensation or recuperation during the week.
For teaching staff = 18 hours per week distributed as follows:
For each teacher, the working hours will be determined in two stages, the first at the beginning of the school year (months of September and October which can be quantified in a reduced amount by relating the pay to the hours actually worked (and thus the pay or the agreed economic may be reduced with respect to the hours planned and will only come into effect with the agreed full schedule) since full class hours have not yet been planned and activated, and the second after the schedule has come into effect with the school calendar approved by the Ministry and with full classes.
The two schedules thus determined will be agreed upon and communicated to those concerned, and performance hours can be distributed from Monday to Saturday based on the distribution of teaching hours of the various and different school subjects.
Ordinary working hours are stated in the CCNL, and only the two major cases involving the following rule are mentioned in these regulations:
For administrative and secretarial staff = 38 hours per week distributed as follows:
Morning: from 8.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon - Monday to Friday - Afternoon: from 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. - Monday to Friday - there is also the possibility of having to work also on Saturday from 8.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. with compensation or recuperation during the week.
For teaching staff = 18 hours per week distributed as follows:
For each teacher, the working hours will be determined in two stages, the first at the beginning of the school year (months of September and October which can be quantified in a reduced amount by relating the pay to the hours actually worked (and thus the pay or the agreed economic may be reduced with respect to the hours planned and will only come into effect with the agreed full schedule) since full class hours have not yet been planned and activated, and the second after the schedule has come into effect with the school calendar approved by the Ministry and with full classes.
The two schedules thus determined will be agreed upon and communicated to those concerned, and performance hours can be distributed from Monday to Saturday based on the distribution of teaching hours of the various and different school subjects.
Hourly extension pay = 8.00 euros Incidence of 13th month's accrual = 0.666 Extension hours per week = 5 hours (so with weekly schedule of 23 hours) Calculation amount of extension hours
Direct monthly system increased hourly pay = 5 x 8.666 = 43.330 x 12 = 519.960
System with Christmas bonus in December = 5 x 8,000 = 40,000 x 13 = 520.00
As can be seen, the result is the same.
The lunch break is one hour: normally from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Thus, working hours are thirty-eight hours per week for administrative and secretarial staff, and eighteen hours per week for teaching staff with the possibility of extending up to twenty-four hours per week.
Tardiness with respect to the established schedule is allowed to the extent of fifteen minutes recoverable at the end of the day.
Tardiness in excess of fifteen minutes must be agreed in advance with the person in charge and be made up on the same day, or within the day agreed with the person in charge.
Tardies in excess of one hour will be considered leave of absence and therefore deducted from the total hours.
It is also considered tardy to return after the established time for the lunch break, which is scheduled to last sixty minutes.
Special arrangements and/or clarifications on the working hours of "TEACHERS":
RECEPTION HOURS to be understood as availability of one hour up to No. 1 classes and 2 hours beyond No. 1 classes;
LABORATORY HOURS to be understood to be carried out within teaching hours;
Please refer to the document of the
For job reference assignments we refer to the MANSIONARY.
For teaching and classroom management we refer to the document
One shall adhere to the principles of SCHOOL quality certification. One must abide by the SCHOOL PRIVACY DOCUMENT AND THE SCHOOL PROGRAM DOCUMENT ON DATA SECURITY.
Supervision of pupils (Art. 18 and 22 of Presidential Decree 3/57; Art. 61 of Law 312/80): the teacher has the obligation of supervision in the five minutes before the beginning of classes (Art. 42 of CCNL/95); during class hours; during intervals (Art. 99 of R.D. 965/24) and during the children's exit from the school; it is up to the School Board to adopt the internal regulations which, among other things, establish the ways of supervision during the entire class period; teachers are responsible for damage caused by pupils under their supervision, but they are exonerated if they prove that they were unable to prevent the fact or if the damage is caused by a "sudden and unforeseeable" action of the pupil; the teacher is responsible for damage caused by one pupil to another if he leaves the classroom unsupervised after taking over the entire class.
Remedial Courses (M.O. 266/97): the ordinance that introduced the educational debt system made remedial courses mandatory; the Teachers' Board may decide to conduct remedial courses during normal class hours or during non-class hours; remedial courses may also be conducted by teachers other than the student's class, but the judgment regarding the outcome of the intervention rests with the class teacher; remedial courses conducted in September, when there is no teaching activity, are to be considered an additional activity that therefore provides for pay;
Scores and evaluation (Articles 7 and 8 of Royal Decree 653/25; Article 137 of Royal Decree 2049/29; Presidential Decree 417/74; M.O. 80/95; M.O. 266/97; M.O. 330/97; M.O.
Scrutiny and evaluation (Articles 7 and 8 of Royal Decree 653/25; Article 137 of Royal Decree 2049/29; Presidential Decree 417/74; O.M. 80/95; O.M. 266/97; O.M. 330/97; O.M.
65/98; O.M. 38/99; O.M. 128/99; O.M. 126/00): the scrutinies for the periodic evaluations of pupils and for their passage to the next higher class are fixed by the head of the school after consultation with the Board of Teachers; they represent one of the service obligations of teachers; it is necessary that the acts relating to this moment be marked by the most legitimate adherence to the regulations in force, since, since the evaluation is a personal fact, it may give rise to appeals by pupils and their parents; the judgment expressed by the class council with regard to the knowledge, skills and abilities of the pupils is never reviewed by any judge, but it could, instead, be sanctioned for some formal deficiency; the subject of the scrutiny and from the evaluation of pupils is a delicate one, and proof of this is the number of provisions concerning it which are updated from year to year.
Classroom hour (C.M. 243/79; C.M. 192/80): the length of the classroom hour is sixty minutes; it may be reduced by a maximum of ten minutes; if the reduction is functional to school planning, the reduced minutes must be made up by the teachers; if the reduction is determined by causes unrelated to teaching, there is no obligation to make up for it.
State Exams (Law 425/97; Presidential Decree 323/98): the topic concerning, the state exam is quite complex to be treated in a few lines. Law 425/97 reformed the old "baccalaureate examinations" instituted (experimentally!) in the 1968-69 school year; there were quite a number of innovations referring to the new examination so it is essential to read the legislative provisions in their entirety; following the Law, a series of acts is issued annually regulating more precisely the conduct of the new examination.
Teachers' College: Functional teaching activities and relevant legislation
The total hours to be devoted to activities of a collegial nature are forty hours for participation in the Teachers' Board and its articulations and another 40 for participation in class councils, excluding those for intermediate and final grades. Functional teaching activities are defined and regulated by Article 29 of the CCNL/2007 in the following terms:
Functional teaching activity consists of any commitment inherent in the teaching function provided for by the various school regulations. It includes all activities, including those of a collegial nature, of planning, design, research, evaluation, documentation, updating and training, including the preparation of the work of collegial bodies, participation in meetings and implementation of the resolutions adopted by the aforementioned bodies.
1) Individual duties due includes activities related to:
2. Activities of a collegial nature concerning all teachers consist of:
3. In order to ensure an effective relationship with families and students, about the different organizational modes of service, the school board on the basis of the proposals of the board of teachers defines the methods and criteria for the conduct of relations with families and students, ensuring the concrete accessibility of the service, while compatible with the needs of the functioning of the institution and providing appropriate means of communication between the institution and families.
4. In order to ensure the reception and supervision of pupils, teachers are required to be in the classroom five minutes before the start of classes and to assist in the exit of such pupils."
Rights and obligations of the Teacher:
The collegial activities that take place before the beginning of classes fall within the 40+40 hours as functional teaching activities. Article 29/1 of the CCNL/2007 states that "Functional teaching activity consists of any commitment inherent in the teaching function provided for by the various school systems. It includes all activities, including those of a collegial nature, of planning, design, research, evaluation, documentation, updating and training, including the preparation of the work of collegial bodies, participation in meetings and the implementation of the resolutions adopted by those bodies."
In Article 28/5, it is specified that the teaching schedule to which teachers are required is in the amount of 25 hours in kindergarten; in 22 hours in elementary school; and in 18 hours in secondary schools and colleges. However, this timetable finds its application "within the framework of the school calendar of classes defined at the regional level." When reference is made to planning activities or the implementation of collegial resolutions that precede the beginning of classes, it is therefore within the scope of activities of a collegial nature, functional to teaching, in the amount of hours provided for in Article 29/3 (a) and (b), and not in that relating to teaching time or that of so-called "service obligations." It is irrelevant whether the activity in question is carried out in the morning or in the afternoon, and equally irrelevant, therefore, is whether such activity is carried out before or after the end of classes. The operations of polls and examinations are not included in the calculation of the 40+40 hours. These operations (conducting the polls and examinations, including the compilation of the acts that relate to the evaluation) are a due act (Art. 29/3 point c of the CCN). Therefore, they are not included in the calculation of the 40+40 hours nor should they be paid.
There is no ceiling on the number of working hours that cannot be exceeded in the same day, at least as far as teaching staff are concerned. A regulatory foothold is Legislative Decree No. 66/2003, which states in Article 8: "If the daily working time exceeds the limit of six hours, the worker must benefit from a break interval, the rules and duration of which are established by collective bargaining agreements, for the purpose of recovering psycho-physical energies and the possible consumption of a meal, also in order to mitigate monotonous and repetitive work.
In the hypotheses referred to in the preceding paragraph, in the absence of collective discipline providing for a break in any capacity assigned, the worker must be granted a break, including at the workplace, between the beginning and end of each daily work period, lasting no less than ten minutes and the arrangement of which must take into account the technical requirements of the work process." However, the CCNL/2007 places no limit on the total daily hourly commitment (teaching and functional activities) of teachers, while it regulates the maximum daily hours (and related breaks) of ATA staff.
Article 50/3 dictates, "The maximum daily working time is nine hours. If the daily work performance exceeds six continuous hours, the staff shall take a break of at least 30 minutes on request for the purpose of recovering mental and physical energies and the possible consumption of a meal. However, such a break must be provided if the continuous daily working time exceeds 7 hours and 12 minutes." Therefore, it is up to school bargaining (CCNL Art. 6) to establish "criteria and procedures relating to the organization of work and the articulation of the timetable of teaching, educational and ATA staff, as well as the criteria for identifying teaching, educational and ATA staff to be used in activities paid for with the school fund."There, therefore, the maximum daily schedule for teaching and functional teaching activities should also be shown in detail for teachers. If a collegial activity is scheduled on the teacher's day off the latter has an obligation to attend because the day off is a generalized custom in schools of organizing teachers' class schedules into five days. Although not properly defined a right it is now considered as such.
There is, however, a point to be made that on the "day off," teaching staff are exempt only from the obligation of classes and not from other non-teaching activities as well (possible collegiate commitments do not entail any right to make up the day off with compensatory rest). The hours of a class council or an extraordinary teachers' board meeting, thus not initially scheduled in the Plan of Activities, fall under the 40+40 hour count but it is mandatory to participate in it. It follows that it constitutes a duty of the teacher to participate in them and to justify any absence. As well as considering them in the planned amount of hours (40).
Absences during functional activities:
One must justify an absence at a class council or a teachers' board meeting. The Plan of Activities deliberated by the teachers' board is mandatory for all teachers (Art. 28/4 of CCNL/2007). Any absence to a deliberated collegiate activity and therefore scheduled on a defined day must be justified as if it were a typical absence (leave for personal reasons, vacation, medical certificate, etc.). Short leave up to half of the daily schedule and for full class hours (Article 16 of the CCNL) can be used to justify absence.
A teacher who has commitments on a given day and time or who has "personal needs" hindering his or her presence on duty may take advantage of the "short leaves" referred to in Article 16 of the CCNL/2007. These hours must be made up in teaching hours or in teaching interventions, as stipulated in paragraph 3 of the same article: "Recovery by teaching staff will take place with priority with reference to substitutions or the carrying out of supplementary teaching interventions, with priority in the class where the teacher on leave should have served. "It would thus seem to exclude the possibility that even one hour of leave under Art. 16 can be used to justify absence from a collegiate meeting: non-teaching hours are infungible with teaching hours. Please note: there is also infungibility between the activities in (a) and those in (b) of the second paragraph of Article 29. (The 40 hours for collegiate meetings are separate from the 40 hours of intersection, interclass and class councils.) In some schools, however, this opportunity is provided for and included in school bargaining.
It would be necessary at this point to determine in which "area" the hour of leave should be "returned". Indeed, it is unthinkable to convene a college or a class council just to allow the recovery of time used by some teachers as leave. A suggested and widespread solution is that if commitments in excess of 40 hours were scheduled, it will suffice to subtract from the excess hours made by the teacher the hours not worked because of the leave taken. In conclusion, the school bargaining could intervene to provide the modalities for requesting leave and those for recovery. The important thing is that criteria and modalities are clear and equal for all teachers. We stress that such a decision would still appear as a forcing to the dictates of the CCNL, even if provided for in school bargaining.
If one does not show up for a scheduled collegiate activity and does not justify the absence, the school director may ask the teacher in writing to justify the absence. If he or she does not receive a response to the request for justification, he or she may make a salary deduction against the teacher and initiate disciplinary procedures (provided that the teacher has not in any case reached or exceeded the prescribed 40 hours). "all unjustified absences shall result in the nonpayment of activity allowances, regardless of any other measures that such absence entails.
Pursuant to Article 14 of Presidential Decree 275/1999, the decree concerning, salary reduction is the responsibility of the D.S.; it is to be forwarded to the paymaster's office. The deduction to be made for each hour of unexcused absence from functional teaching activities by teachers is equal to the hourly measure of the basic compensation for additional non-teaching hours provided for in Table 5 attached to the same contract. It is therefore €17.50." On a general note, however, let us recall that a day of unexcused absence is considered leave for personal or family reasons (Art. 18 of the CCNL) and results in the loss of 1/30th of monthly pay. (Plus the possibility of incurring disciplinary action).
Overtime work is defined as work performed beyond normal weekly working hours, namely beyond the 38th hour for administrative or secretarial employees, and beyond the 24th hour for teaching staff.
The surcharges on hourly pay applied for overtime performance are:
25% for daytime work (performance from 06.00 to 22.00);
25% for night work (performance from 22.00 to 06.00);
40% for holiday work;
Workers are entitled to a vacation period of 30 working days for each year of seniority; regardless of the distribution of the weekly schedule, the computation of vacation days taken must be calculated over six working days, and thus vacation accrual is determined as follows:
Vacations accrue from 1/1 to 12/31 of each year.
For ease of accounting and because of the working hours distributed at the School, they are expressed here in working hours: equal to 190 hours (for 38 hours per week) and equal to 90 hours ( for 18 hours per week ) for each year.
Any vacation hours accrued and not taken within the relevant year must be used by April 30 of the following year.
During the year, the school calendar provides for there to be days on which teaching activities are suspended (Christmas period, Easter period, Summer period, and other days dedicated to field trips, campuses, etc. ) and which will be treated as follows:
Since the case could arise that the contractual vacation and leave upright is not sufficient to cover all the requested or dedicated or predetermined periods of vacation and leave by the school calendar, the CCNL has provided some rules to increase the base upright or reduce the dedicated periods, as follows:
Teachers may be required to work hours in excess of the contracted weekly schedule within the overall limits of one-third ( maximum 6 hours per week ); in return for this provision of additional hours, the School will recognize an equal reduction of hours in other periods of the school year for teaching activities or add these hours to the vacation account as an additional uplift to be enjoyed in the various periods of suspension of activities provided for in the school calendar ( art. 30 of the CCNL )
In agreement with the teacher, the extended hours, may be compensated with an equal number of additional vacation hours to be enjoyed in the summer period in addition to the ordinary vacation ( art. 31 of the CCNL )
The annual holidays are as follows;
Jan. 1 New Year's Day, Jan. 6 Epiphany, Angel Monday, April 25, May 1, Aug. 15, Nov. 1 All Saints' Day, Dec. 7 St. Ambrose ( Patron Saint ), Dec. 8 Immaculate Conception, Dec. 25 Christmas Day, Dec. 26 Boxing Day.
Employees are entitled to 32 hours of annual paid leave for former holidays.
These hours of leave may be taken in the same manner as HOLIDAYS (see vacation section above) and then enjoyed by April 30 of the year following their accrual, or the company will have the option of being able to liquidate them on the same date.
Family bereavement within the 2nd degree of relationship:
Competition and participation in examinations:
8 paid days per year to participate in competitions or examinations;
Child birth:
illness of minor child and parental leave:
Serious personal or family reasons:
Health reasons for serious infirmity of relatives within the 2nd degree:
Blood donation: 4 hours upon presentation of medical justification. Blood donation: in the case of blood donation, the employee, upon presentation of the certificate issued by the institution, is entitled to a day of paid leave or a compensatory day off or an increase in the hours worked in c/ferie;
Elective public functions: the time necessary for the performance of the mandate.
Polling station attendants: duration of election operations upon presentation of the certificate of call to the polling station and the certificate, signed by the chairman, indicating the days of actual attendance at the polling station and closing time.
At the discretion of one's supervisor, unpaid leave may be granted for other personal reasons not included in the above cases. Such leaves must be exceptional in nature and, in any case, must be made up in account of reduced working hours or in account of vacations or holidays cancelled. Only in the case of lack of residual or of capacity of the acquired amount of hours, will the deduction of the hours not worked be made.
For personnel who should be called upon to perform their services away from their place of work, the Company will recognize the reimbursement of expenses incurred on behalf of the School and related to the related event; no other entitlements will be recognized for services in excess of ordinary working hours or otherwise, since such services are part of the employee's regular duties and therefore also part of his or her duties.
In case of illness and for any duration, the person concerned must give immediate telephone notification to the secretary.
For illnesses lasting one working day, it is the School's right to request a medical certificate attesting to the absence; no formality is necessary, only the obligation to inform the company in advance. In the case of illness that lasts for more than one day, the person concerned must compulsorily undergo a medical examination and have the medical certificate attesting to the illness issued or have the protocol number issued so that the certificate can be consulted. Unexcused absence as above will be considered on leave account for the first three days; thereafter, it will be considered unexcused absence and therefore treated as such.
Medical certificates are now sent directly electronically to the inps, by the doctor; the worker must then get a copy of the certificate or the protocol number of the telematic submission and notify the company.
Medical certificates are now sent directly electronically to the inps by the doctor; the worker must then get a copy of the certificate or the protocol number of the telematic submission and notify the company.
Prognosis days are counted as calendar days.
As a reminder, an employee absent due to indisposition or illness or injury is required to be on call during the time slots set for checkups (currently from 10 a.m. to noon and 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.), under penalty of forfeiture of pay, which is granted at the following rate:
the 180th day in a calendar year is the maximum limit of job retention.
In the case of an accident, the practice to be followed is the same as for illness, that is, to report the event immediately with all descriptions and causalities of how, where and why it occurred, and this is to enable the employer to transmit the report to Inail in full.
Maternity leave lasts for a total of 5 months. It is compulsory and starts two months before the presumed date of delivery and continues for three months after the date of delivery.
Work may be performed until the month before the presumed date of delivery, and then there will be a compulsory leave of one month before and four months after, for an overall total always of five months.
The legislation provides for the worker's right to request an additional period of abstention from work up to a maximum of another six months (optional abstention) during the first year of the child's life, or to the enjoyment on request of parental leave until the child's 8th year) as provided by the current law on family support protection "parental leave for parents ".
The employee will be paid 80% of salary during the period of compulsory absence and 30% during the period of optional absence, if any.
In any case, the rules stipulated in the parental leave law will be applied.
The School applies the ordinary calendar and therefore attendance is recorded up to the last day of the month resulting in payroll processing in the first few days of the month following the relevant month.
Payroll payment then occurs monthly after payroll processing and then by the first ten days of the following month.
The newly hired employee will be deemed confirmed if he/she does not receive any notice to the contrary before the expiration of the probationary period stipulated in the C.C.N.L. for the category and classification of classification, as follows:
6 months = VIII A and VIII level; (calendar days )
4 months = IV, V, VI and VII level; (calendar days ) 60 days = III level; (actual work days )
days = I and II level; (actual work days and all fixed-term contracts )
Residence and/or home address and telephone number must be known to the School at all times. Any changes should be promptly communicated in writing to the secretary's office.
Phone numbers, including those of cell phones, if any, made available to the School will be used with respect for individual privacy and only in cases of actual need.
The failures referred to in the preceding articles, and in any case those provided for in the CCNL or within the scope of the work environment and the services performed, will be the subject of dispute and will follow the administrative procedures provided for in the contract. Therefore, the article of the CCNL that regulates this matter is quoted:
Article 65 - Duties of the Employee Employees are obliged to observe the duties proper to the employment relationship. In particular, given the peculiar nature of school service, all workers are obliged to:
a) To manifest their duties in accordance with the level and qualification conferred;
b) to observe working hours; to report absences due to illness before the start of duty and justify them by the second day except in the case of proven impediment;
c) To observe and enforce pupils' compliance with the Institute's internal regulations;
d) To observe any changes in the timetable and teaching schedule;
e) to maintain official secrecy;
not to derive any illicit benefit in any way from the performance of their activities;
to use and preserve with care tools and materials entrusted to them.Teachers are also obliged:
f) to submit in a timely manner to the principal of the institution the program of the course of the assigned subject, to develop it gradually and to complete it;
g) to have the pupils take the number of written tests for the subject and perform the questions in the number prescribed by ministerial regulations;
h) to notify the institute, in writing and within three days, of the acceptance of teaching assignments at other legally recognized oprivate schools as long as they are compatible under current legislation; it is also required to notify in writing, within 3 days, the beginning of the activity ofiliberaprofession,as long as it is compatible;
to carry out the teaching hours entrusted to him/her according to the allocation by subject.
Article 66 - Disciplinary Measures.
Without prejudice to the provisions of Art. 58 part two of this CCNL above, violations of the rules of the CCNL may be punished, depending on the seriousness of the facts, by the following disciplinary measures:
suspension from work and pay up to a maximum of 6 days of actual work (6/26);
No disciplinary action may be taken without first notifying the employee of the charges and hearing the employee's defense. The objection of the charges will be made by written notice in which will be indicated the time limit within which the employee must submit his justifications. This deadline may not be less than ten days. The employee may be assisted by the Trade Union Organization to which he/she confers a mandate. The disciplinary measure must be communicated by registered letter within 20 days of the deadline given to the employee to submit his justifications. Such communication must specify the reasons for the measure. After the aforementioned period has elapsed, without any action having been taken, the justifications submitted by the employee shall be deemed accepted. Disciplinary measures, imposed without compliance with the provisions of the preceding paragraphs, shall be ineffective. Disciplinary measures shall not be taken into account to any effect after 2 years have passed since their application.
These regulations shall take effect on January 1, 2018 and shall be valid indefinitely;
They will be subject to automatic review and therefore to automatic amendment and acceptance of variations, all the rules set forth above that may be modified as a result of contract renewals or new laws, decrees or labor regulations in the future.
For everything not provided for in these regulations or in modification of the same, the regulations described in the ANINSEI C.C.N.L. for personnel employed by Paritarian Schools, as well as current labor laws that may also modify over time what is described and applied above, will still apply.
Note to the minutes: Milan, December 30, 2016.
For the S. Freud Parochial School
Per receipt of the worker