DECREE N.338 MITF005006

Integrated Digital Teaching school year 2020-2021

The current medical emergency has lead to the rapid adoption of legislative measures in recognizing the possibility of an integrated digital teaching ( online lessons) for schools at all levels on national territory ( Decret-Law 25th March, 2020 n.19 article 1, codicil 2, letter p). 

The departmental decree 17th March 2020, n.288 about " Covid-19 Medical Emergency. First operational guidelines for online teaching activities" had already offered to the school institutions the operational teaching reference framework.

The Decret Law 8th April 2020, no.22, converted with amendments in Law 6 June 2020, no.41, article 2, codicil 3, says that  the teaching staff  ensures online teaching activities, by using  all ITC devices at their disposal and supplements the mandatory, at first valid only for head teachers in accordance with the decree  of the President of the Council of Ministers 4th March 2020 ( article 1, codicil 2, letter g) in "activating" online teaching, an obligation concerning  by the side of the Principal, for fulllfilment concerning the organization of the delivery time, of technological instruments, of the support in order to help the difficulty of families and of teachers without any sufficient networking.  

More specifically, with respect to the procedures and the policy in order to implement the job performances of the teaching staff until the lasting of the health crisis, reference should be made to the provisions of 3-ter codicil of the same Decree- Law 22/2020.  

The Decree- Law 19 May 2020, no. 34 has funded further intervention useful to empower the teaching activities - even online- and to give to all schools and its students the  necessary instruments for the usage of teaching methods suitable to the emergency situation  but also to improve the school inclusion and to take new mesures against any form of (school) drop-out.  

The Decree of the Minister for Education 26 June 2020, no. 39 has provided a frame of reference by which planning the resumption of school activities within September, with particular refeernce, for the current issue, to  the need for all schools to prepare an adequate Educational Plan for a method of Integrated Digital Teaching .

Here are the indications for the  planning of an Educational Plan for the Integrated Digital Teaching ( IDT)  taken in  supplementary means in case of the containment of infection, but also if it will be necessary to suspend again the teaching activities "in presence" because of the local epidemiological conditions. 



The Digital Revolution has been accompanying for many years all the areas of knowledge, such as the world of work, the public service and the school. Before the first digital technologies have been implemented, the School  S.FREUD revealed itself as a very receptive "company" by adopting new devices and by giving its contribution to the  development process of a distance learning  where the student is at the center of this project.

A student- centred approach, despite the intervention of the digital teaching.

We are people then users. In the first place the School S. Freud pays attention to its students, even though through a screen.  

The educators- teachers of Our School are conscious that the process of relationship represents one of the disadvantages of the digital teaching: by means of the digital devices  (PC, Tablet, smartphone)  we assist to the lack of the spontaneity typical of the meeting between two people that allow to keep in touch through a mutual acquaintance. 

The approach of Our School - concerning the Digital Teaching/Learning-  copes with the utilization of technologies that enable to see who is relating to us, not only through bu means of the listening, but also  by ensuring a form of visual connection so that it is possible to perceive facial expressions. If we are able to see the countenance of our students, we can also understand something of their feelings. 

That's why in our lessons we give priority to an interactive video channel, by preferring clear shots of  our students' faces, giving everybody the opportunity to talk and to take part in the lesson.  

WE cherish the healthy development of our students. It is important for us to build a special form of "teaching process", taking into consideration the challenges that each student is able to face according to his/her age and to his/her  human growth.    

An updated process of teaching but always aware to the individual needs.

The distinguishing code at Freud School is the personal guidance and the human enhancement. We want to promote education and through a digital process of modern teaching conscious of the single needs of everyone.  

Digital teaching is an useful opportunity to improve the working time,  the education to respect its own privacy, a new way of living relationships that are not removed but experienced differently, by securing lesson time and school tests. 

The use of the Microsoft Teams platform  (for live events)  permits the creation of a real virtual classroom  where is possible to meet and exchange information. Students can see the whole school material uploaded by their teachers and comment on the lesson on air in real time. Teachers can give homework to do, plan written and oral tests and add for further information. 

Distant and yet so close.

Even though we are divided by a telescreen, we try the others comprehend we are close.  The school enters to our students' home with the creation of a certain sense of familiarity with due regard to the different educational roles.Our school projects are also rearranged in an online format to give new and actual tips and opportunities.

Our students as the new digital natives are the responsible protagonists of the digital school.

The School Freud believes in the future and that's the reason why it is unvesting in young people, by strenghtening their sense of creativity and empowerment.  

Our students are real digital natives, This means they were born in an age where technology and digitalization represent our developed present. Because of this setting it is necessary they become the protagonists of their learning process, by enhancing their sense of creativity. It's a surprising result that comes from the strict cooperation among teachers, students and families, where everybody contributes to a successful achievement of the learning process. We are a  real educational community. Another positive aspect of the digital teaching is make students become independent, by stimulating their sense of responsibility. As a school we believe that  students must be responsible towards the new digital school: it's their personal will to learn. The absence of the physical presence in the classroom leave our students a choice: to be the new active protagonists of the digital school or the "ghosts" of the web. Once students were subjected to some process, now they emerge with new potentials to be developed.  

Modern and inclusive format for a new digital school.

Scuola Paritaria S. FREUD is also an experimental workshop that creates a school  “ digital culture”. We are always in search of new approaches: video tutorial, videoclasses, groups, forum and real time streaming; new ways to evaluate skills by using quiz, teaching experiments, stoytelling, research, especially in learning foreign languages. Therefore, every day our teachers check und upload on this platform school materials and other tools, that are useful to improve the utilization of the learning contents. 


Organization of the integrated digital teaching

Our School defines the procedures for implementing the integrated digital teaching approach by balancing syncronous and not syncronous activities..The integrated digital teaching is an innovative teaching and learning approach and it is addressed to all the students of our school as an additional activity. It supplements the traditional school experience " in the presence" in accordance to the information provided in the document below in the case of a new lockdown. The planning of an integrated digital teaching approach  takes into account the context and ensures the sustainability of the activities offered and a general level of inclusion, by avoiding that contents and methods become the common transmission of the  lessons usually held in the classroom.  

Lessons hours 

The number of the lessons hours in accordance to the school curriculula and the number of the teachers' contractual hours remain unchanged.  

Demand Analysis

The school has started a demand analysis concerning technological instruments and networking, by taking into consideration that the situation has significantly changed both for the months of suspension of the school activities concerning at the same time the students' enrolment at the first classes. The final goal consisted in including the availability of loan for use of any devices, so that each student could be able to connect.  

Objectives to be pursued 

The teaching staff had to set again new criteria and methods in confrormity with the integrated digital teaching approach, by adapting   the planning of the educational school activities " in the presence" with online strategies- even in a complementary way - so that the recommendation of the single teacher fits in a shared pedagogical background, in order to ensure uniformity to the educational offer of our School. 

During the class meetings, all the teachers have to remodulate the school programs by identifying the essential contents of the school-subjects, the interdisciplinary projects, the contributions to formal and not formal contexts that are useful to the learning process. Even though remotely, our students are at the centre of the teaching/learning process, so that they can develop a major sense of independence and responsibility.  

We take care of the students with more needs. If IDT must be considered as complementary to the the traditional teaching, we should recommend it to students with weak health conditions, that must be certified. In this way, in agreement with their families students can stay home and fattend school - lessons. It is also possible to enable projects of home schooling to be planned and shared with the responsible  local structures, so that this form of activity can be supplement the home schooling process.   

In cases in with the condition of frailty concerns emotional or socio-cultural aspects, or even more with students with disability, the school tries to pursue the attendance at school, by including the presence of shifts that yake into account the alternance between school attendance an home schooling only in concert with the families. 

On the other hand, support teachers are always at school with their students and they have to interact with schoolmates in presence and the other ones involved in the IDT but also with their colleagues in order to concentrate themselves on personalize or individual material at disposal to the same students during everyday meetings. Thiese small groups are in close correlation with  teachers. In this way it is possible the development of specific learning units for the class.

It's necessary that the school ensures timely information to families about the contents of School Plan for Integrated Digital Teaching, on the bases of criteria used by teachers to address the choice of students to suggest IDT, in the full respect of the school-subject in terms of protection of personal data by raising only personal data pertaining and connected to the measures to be pursued, by ensuring the full transparency of the identified criteria, of the features that will be able to rule this new approach and the related necessary instruments. In situation of fragility, the school institution will frequently supervise these special situations, in order to perform all the necessary actions to ensure the effective application of the teaching activities, particularly for students who don't have Italian citizenship yet, but also with the support of the Territorial Agencies, so that the linguistic, socio-economic and cultural differences would not represent a further burden on the gap of opportunities among students. The identification od students who can follow DDI alternative paths will occurr by granting particular guarantees in defence of child data, in consideration of the importance of the provided information. 

Tools to be used 

Our School provides unity in the school activity through the utilization of multimedia platforms, storage areas, registers for the communication or the management of lessons and other activities. The final goal consists in simplifying the process of lessons, but also the availability of materials to the benefit of students with difficulty in planning their method f studying. 

For this purpose, the platforms we use, such as the NETTUNO PA Online Register and Microsoft Teams :

  • respond to the necessary safety standards of data protection and ensure every'clients privacy, by taking into consideration the several opportunities of management concerning this teaching method within the the different features of the Online Register; 
  • ensure a simple performance of the synchronous activity, by darkening the surrounding location, of it is possible;  
  • can be used by every device  (smartphone, tablet, PC) or operating system available .

For the necessary administrative committment for the detecting of the attendance at work of the teachers and to record the presence of the students at lessons, we use the online register also for the school-family communication.

In fact, IDT represents the virtual  "displacement" of the learning context and of the legal environment in presence. 

The professional figures of the Digital Animator and of the Digital Team ensure: 

  • the necessary support to the devolopment of digital activities at school, in collaboration with novice teachers and, in accordance with regulations on the protection of digital data and with the adoption of correct security measures; 
  • the creation and/ or guidelines to the use of repository, locally or remotely  in cloud. For this aspect, it is necessary to evaluate in primis the modality of data management, in order to gather the single tests of the students and the reports of the school staff meetings, if occurs remotely. In this way, it will  be possible the correct storage of the administrative acts and of the whole material concerning educational activities;  

The utilization of school repository already available on the multimedia platforms in use, that are specifically reservedto the storage of activities or videolessons created by the teachers, apart from the products provided by the most important applications of the Online Register, can represent a useful tool not only for the storage operations, but also for a further use in the course of time, even in asynchronous mode, but always with due regard for the school-subject in compliance with the principle of protection of personal data with specific mention to the necessary control of the relation with probable external suppliers and of the sectoral legislation that can be applied to the the working relation with particular regard to the storage of pictures and/or audio materials. 

Lesson schedule

During the day, all the students learning in IDT mode have to receive a proper combination of activies syncronously and asyncronously, to enable the enhancement of the educational offer with the adequate learning rhytms, by taking care of including times of rest.

In case of digital activities that are complementary to the lesson in presence, the group following the online lesson complies with full lessson schedule of the class, unless the planning of a different timeframe of the teaching activities, between online students and students in presence, finds its way in reasons connected to the peculiarity of the methodology used. 

If IDT becomes a unique instrument of the school service performing because of new probable lockdown situations, it will be useful to foresee a minimum of hours of lessons per week, by ensuring at least twenty hours per week in syncronous mode with the whole class group and with the opportunity to include further activities in a small group but also learning proposals in asyncronous mode according to the most adequate approaches.

In compliance with the weekly working timetable of the teachers established by CCNL, the Principal , son the bases of the criteria identified by the Teaching Staff, prepares the timetable of the teaching and educational activities with the minimum of hours that every teacher dedicates to IDT lessons, by paying attention to ensure a specific weekly segment for all school-subjects. Therefore, IDT approach represents a complementary mode to the traditional teaching activity but also a unique educational tool due to relevant epidemiological circumstances.

By scheduling the weekly timetable in IDT, it's possible to reduce any lesson teaching unit in order to compact all school-subjects and to adopt all the forms of organisational and didactic flexibility as mentioned in Rules Procedure of School Automony. 

Integrated Digital Teaching - Its rules

By considering the ethical implications due to the utilization of new technologies and of the network, School has integrated the General Rules of the Institute with specific provisions concerning the code of conduct to be kept in the course of the IDT connection addressed to all the components of the school community to ensure a form of mutual respect, the sharing of documents and the protection of personal data and of particular sources of data  (ex. condidential data.)  In relation to this last aspect, it is underlined like every form of sharing must take into consideration only specific personal data, pertaining to all the aims that have been described according to the principle of minimaziation, by paying attention to the role and to the several tasks of the subjects who are allowed to share these rules. Moreover, there is the regulation of how to carry out the interview with the families, the meetings of the Collegiate Bodies and of the students' asseblies and of every further meeting that will be berformed in asyncronous mode.  

By preparing activities to their students asyncronously, teachers will pay attention to prepare a specific setting in the virtual "class" by avoiding interference during the lesson because of probable distractors. 

If IDT opens to all students due to further pandemic emergency, all the teachers and the whole school staff - in different ways in constant video contact with students and families - comply with the presctiptions at 3 e sgg. of the Decree by the President of Republic 16 April 2013, n. 62.

The Rules of Procedures of the students in Upper Schools is also complemented with the inclusion of misconducts related to inappropriate behaviours in the course of the Integrated Digital Teaching performance and its penalties.  

The School pays particular attention to train the students on the risks deriving from the use of the web, and, in particular, on the crime of cyberbullying. 

Finally, there is the integration in the shared Pact of Corresponsibility of a specific attachment referred to the mutual tasks to be adopted in the course of the activities of Integrated Digital Teaching. 

Methods and assessment tools

The classes by videoconference employs learning approaches that are oriented on the protagonism of students, permits the realization of interdisciplinary courses and to flip the traditional structure of the lessons, by passing from moments of mere transmission of school contents, to space of debate, shared re-elaboration and collective building of the process of knowledge. 

Some learning approaches suit better than others to the integrated digital teaching: for example, we want to mention short didactic approach, cooperative learning, flipped classroom, and debate as methods founded on the involved and active realization of knowledge by the students. All these learning approaches permit to present teaching/learning proposals addressed to the realization of transversal and disciplinary competences, in addition to the achievement of skills and competences.

Teachers receive a proper training, so that they can face appropriately these innovative learning appoaches. Therefore, they are able to develop all their potentials and avoid to a useless form of individual study at home. 

During the class councils, teachers have the duty to identify the instruments for the monitoring of the learning processes concerning the adopted methodologies. It is expected that any test in IDT can't bring to the production of printed materials, except particular cases connected to specific school-subjects or to particular needs of the students. Teachers will store the tests of the students  by using the instruments of repository made available by the School Institution (Online Register).


The current legislation ascribes  the docimologic  issue in evaluation to teachers, by taking into account the parameters established to the Teaching Staff and included in the Three- Year Educational Offer.

Even by referring to IDT activies, the process of evaluation must be constant and coherent: teachers must ensure principles of transparency and timeliness, even more if there is no opportunity of a debate in presence. Teachers must also ensure constant feedbacks on the basis of regulation of the teaching/learning processes. 

The guarantee of these basic principles will permit to remodulate the teaching activity on the basis of the educational success of every attention, by taking into account not only the single result of the test but the whole process. 

The educational evaluation must take care of the quality in the processes that have been performed, of the disposition to learn, to work in a team, but at the same time to be independent, personally and socially responsible for the process of self-assessment. 

In this way, the evaluation of the objective dimension of the empirical evidence to be observed is integrated through the utilization of proper blogs and journals on an educational point of view, so that it will be possible to give a full evaluation of the student who is active in his/her learning process. 

Students with special educational needs

The School Plan  2020, attached to the already mentioned DM 39/2020 requires that the Central Administration, the Regions,the Local Authorities and the School Institutions, each according to its level of competence, work to ensure the school attendance in presence for students with disabilities with the full involvement of the professionals figures of support    (Educational Operators for the Authonomy and the Communication; Professional Figures of Support for Students with Sensorial Disabilities). For these students the point of reference is 

Individualized Educational Plan, together with the active engagement of the Central Administration and of the single school administrations to guarantee schooling in presence.  

Particular attention is given to students with a diagnosis released in accordance to Law  170/2010 and to students without diagnosis but considered as subjects with Special Educational Needs by the Team of Teachers and by the Class Council. For those students we refer to the specific Personalized Learning Plan and it is necessary that the Team of Teachers  and the Class Council arrange the daily workload and ensure the opportunity to record and listen to the lessons. As a matter of fact, we are completely aware of the difficulty in the management of the common didactic materials in respect of the regulation of the sector and of the guidelines provided by the Authority

The probable involvement of the students in IDT complementay activities should be evaluated with attention together with the families, by verifying that the utilization of the technological instruments represent for them a real and practical benefit in terms of efficiency in the learning process. 

All the decisions adopted must be mentioned in the PDP.

As far as concerns hospitalized students or receiving treatment at home or attending the prison schools, the utilization of the digital integrated teaching, ensures not only the right to education, but also contributes to reduce the condition of social isolation. Therefore, it is one of the most efficient instruments to reinforce the relation.  

The Principal implements every necessary dialogue with the several "actors" with competences to identify the useful carrying out of the Digital Integrated Teaching.


The School Institution arranges IDT acttivities by selecting the personal data only connected to the aims to be fulfilled, by ensuring the full transparency of the criteria that have been identified. Through the sharing of documents, teachers guarantee the protection of all personal data: therefore the sharing activities are only limited to the essential information. Specific provisions concerning the privacy management are listed in the General Rules of the Institute. 

As far as concerns the aspects regarding the processing of personal data, mention is made to the detailed document designed by the Ministry of Education, in collaboration with the Italian Data Protection Authority, containing specific guidelines. 


The Principal transmits a Legal notice  to teachers, to ATA staff and to the students involved in Integrated Digital Teaching whenever the fruition occurs at home. This Legal notice is also sent to the Manager Responsible for the Security of  workers  and is written in collaboration with the Manager Responsible for services of Protection and Prevention, concerning the prevention programs to adopt in order to limit the risks deriving from the execution of the job performance outside the school setting.  

School/Family relation 

The school is engaged to be in favour of the essential relation school-family through formal activities of information and sharing of the DDI planning proposal. It'also necessary not only to inform families on the timetable activities on time, but also to ensure a better form of organization, the sharing of the several educational approaches but also of the training material in order to support students in cases of fragility that need-  in the course of IDT - the presence of an adult to attend the suggested activities. 

Even in contingent condition of emergency, the school ensures all the activities of communication, information and relation with families. It's also important to define the proper  channels of communication concerning IDT activities.

Teachers' training and formation of the technical support staff

The process of teachers' training plays a fundamental role to improve and modernise the Italian education system. Therefore, this period of crisis has implemented new training courses due to the experience of a new form of online teaching.  

S. Freud Paritary Institute - Private School Milan - Paritary School: IT Technical Institute, Tourism Technical Institute, High School of Human Sciences and High School
Via Accademia, 26/29 Milano – Viale Fulvio Testi, 7 Milano – Tel. 02.29409829 Virtuale fax 02.73960148 –
Milan High School - Private IT School Milan
Milan Private Tourism School - Human Sciences High School, Social and Economic Address Milan
Liceo Scientifico Milano
Contact us for more information: [email protected]

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