DECREE N.338 MITF005006
Freud Institute Milan, technical, technological, economic institute and high school of human sciences

School Educational Project


The P.E.I. (Progetto Educativo d'Istituto) represents the commitment made by the "S. Freud" Paritarian Institute to make educational, didactic and organizational choices in favor of the educational success of its students. Specifically, the P.E.I., supplemented by the Institute Regulations, details the organizational plan of the school community with regard to:

  • educational choices
  • cultural, educational and policy formative objectives
  • cultural projects

By adhering to this type of contract, the teacher commits to applying a democratic and co-constructed teaching methodology, based not on an imposing attitude, but on the sharing of values, ideas and methods.
This approach has proven successful in fostering children's involvement and greater motivation for learning and the achievement of set goals.
The student is thus accompanied on a human, cultural and professional developmental path together. It is therefore made important to get to know the student and help him or her overcome any uncertainties, blocks or fears by establishing an "educational dialogue" and building a network of psychological supports.


Our teachers adopt a teaching methodology that is "individualized" and "tailored" to the student, appropriate to facilitate learning and calibrate input to the actual level of preparation of the students.
The low number of pupils per class facilitates the activity of the faculty: the attention level of students is kept high thanks to their participatory and interactive involvement in the development of the lesson; the consolidation of learning, moreover, is carried out already during the face-to-face class hours.
The lecturer provides students with summaries, slides and lecture notes; verification of preparation is carried out not only through the canonical questioning but also through an assessment made during the course of the lecture, conversing on specific topics. It is emphasized that the final assessment also takes into account the student's disciplinary behavior.
It is therefore the teacher's task to: specify the objectives of teaching and determine the desired results; select topics and train on study time and methods; stimulate the student's interests by promoting alternative forms of teaching.
To promote the student's educational success, teacher is also required to: provide the student with maximum willingness to listen and to give clarification; respect the developing personality of each individual student and his dignity as a person, so that he acquires confidence and self-awareness; willingness to revise his way of relating to the class and presenting the topics to be covered, so that this is as effective as possible.

The school aims to accompany students in not only cultural but also educational and human growth, for the achievement of a harmonious formation of the student's personality as a free citizen.
General formative, cultural and educational cultural objectives have been identified that are to be pursued by all students regardless of the singularity of individual disciplines.

General cultural formative objectives to be achieved are:

  • ability to understand, analyze and synthesize the topics covered in class
  • critical and evaluative skills
  • specific technical skills and abilities

In the three-year period these objectives will be consolidated with a more work-related approach, especially in the fifth year, when the student will be required to:

  • set their activity by objectives
  • manage in the most autonomous way a task entrusted to him, respecting delivery times and documenting the work done in itinere
  • document in advance and individually on the topics to be covered in order to achieve autonomy in approaching any problems.

Educational objectives to be achieved in the two-year and three-year periods concern:

  • harmonious development of each student's personality
  • structuring of interpersonal relationships
  • respect for democratic coexistence.

Specific address objectives:
Specifically, at the end of the five-year course, the Computer Expert is able to:

  • design small systems for the processing, transmission, acquisition of information both in symbolic form and in the form of electrical signals
  • participate in the implementation and management of large automation systems based on information processing
  • solve small automation problems in applications of various types.


Several  educational projects are offered to our students. They are also aimed at completing the student's education through cross-curricular activities. These are:

  • School Orientation Project-Inclusive Entrance: the School organizes Open Days where students and their parents are hosted to show them the opportunities offered by our organizational structure. By phone appointment also we are always available for personalized interviews with the families of children interested in enrolling in our Institute;
  • School Orientation Project - post-diploma: for the students of the three-year school year there is an information and orientation activity on the post-diploma choice, both professional and university. Guided tours of Milan universities and para-university institutes are organized, and information material is collected and disseminated;
  • "SCHOLARSHIP" division, which promotes the insertion of students into the world of work by activating and promoting internships at prestigious companies in the IT and Services sectors in the Milanese district;
  • "Sportello didattico": an afternoon activity offered to students to carry out "individualized" and timely remediation of gaps;
  • "Legality Education," "Citizenship Education" and "Eco-school": projects designed to raise students' awareness of civic and environmental issues;
  • "Self-Expression and Education" project, aimed at growing self-awareness;
  • Education-study trips (abroad for English language enhancement) and guided tours;
  • "Newspaper in the Classroom," critical and analytical reading of major national newspapers to inform themselves and build in young people a rational and independent viewpoint on information;
  • "Sports activities," included as part of the "youth games" project.


The term paritarian gives a private school the same qualification as a state school: Final State Examination on the premises, full legal value of the diploma obtained, same ministerial programs as the public school.
In addition, advantage of choosing a Paritarian school is that of being able to obtain from the Lombardy Region the DOTE scuola, which is an economic contribution to education.
The DOTE SCUOLA consists of:

  • "Buono Scuola," introduced to allow freedom of educational choice and aimed at supporting students who attend a paritarian or state school that provides tuition and attendance costs;
  • "Income Supplement," additional support for less affluent families;
  • "Disability Component," an aid to enable individualized education for children with disabilities;
  • Merit, created to reward the most brilliant students.

At the "S. Freud" School, the student is the center of interest.
Our philosophy is based on values such as: equality, impartiality, transparency and regularity. We are strongly oriented to the reception and integration of new pupils, facilitated to insertion thanks to the strong spirit of communication that characterizes our doing.
We also pay special attention to the inclusion of students with Special Educational Needs, foreigners or workers.
Compliance with procedures and the dissemination of complete, immediate and transparent information is guaranteed.
Freedom of teaching is ensured and the constant updating of teachers is strongly promoted and desired.
Participatory management of the school system also makes all resources involved in the Institute responsible and active in the implementation of the EOP, Plan of Educational Offerings.

In summary, the "S. Freud" Private  School proposes and is committed to being a School for all and everyone, formative and non-selective, orientative and open to the territory, systematic and scientific.


S. Freud Paritary Institute - Private School Milan - Paritary School: IT Technical Institute, Tourism Technical Institute, High School of Human Sciences and High School
Via Accademia, 26/29 Milano – Viale Fulvio Testi, 7 Milano – Tel. 02.29409829 Virtuale fax 02.73960148 –
Milan High School - Private IT School Milan
Milan Private Tourism School - Human Sciences High School, Social and Economic Address Milan
Liceo Scientifico Milano
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