Human Sciences High School- Socioeconomics
and Management
Decree on Equal Education N. 2684 Mechanographic Code: MIPMRI500E
Three-Year Plan of Educational Offer
School Year 2022-2025
The Three-Year Plan of Educational Offerings (PTOF) is the fundamental constituent document of the cultural and planning identity of the Institute with which the S. Freud Parochial School declares, makes explicit and participates in the INSTITUTE's modes of operation and objectives, which are brought to the attention of parents and pupils upon enrollment.
Through the Three-Year Educational Offer Plan, autonomy builds the legal, organizational, professional and relational conditions to make educational activity flexible and thus improve its effectiveness.
Its basic function is to:
Despite the multiplicity of educational actions and study directions, the entire PTOF is characterized as a unified and integrated project, professionally elaborated with respect to the real needs of the users and the territory, with the intention of forming people capable of thinking and acting independently and responsibly within society.