Human Sciences High School- Socioeconomics
and Management
Decree on Equal Education N. 2684 Mechanographic Code: MIPMRI500E
The social transformations of recent decades have manifested the need to develop educational strategies other than the traditional ones, agreed and co-managed, based on educational sharing and co-responsibility between school, parents and territory, pupils.
Thus, the Educational Co-responsibility Pact thus constitutes the document signed by parents and students at the time of enrollment in the school and which enucleates the principles and behaviors that school, family and pupils share and agree to abide by.
It involves teachers, parents, pupils and all staff working with the school, enshrining their commitment aimed at achieving the student's educational success.
The Pact details tasks, duties and regulates the behavior of each actor (School-family-student) regarding participation in the Institute's teaching and educational interventions, encouraging assumption of responsibility resulting from shared collaboration.
It thus becomes an instrument of interaction between school and family that invites young people to define, responsibly, rules of behavior consistent with a lifestyle in which the assumption of commitments becomes necessary due to the profound crisis of traditional educational models .
The FREUD School, through the Educational Pact, builds with the family a new and more solid communicative relationship, with the intention of pursuing more and more the common goal of the education and training of the enrolled young people.
Within this framework is the need to share and consolidate an educational alliance that will make it possible to cope with the continuous needs for change manifested by the youngest members while ensuring, at the same time, educational action that is consistent and responsive to the children's needs for responsible growth.
The school is committed to creating a serene and engaging learning environment in which the development of the pupil's abilities is fostered without prejudice or discrimination of any kind, and where relational relationships between teachers and pupils are promoted with respect for their respective roles.
Families and students are committed to achieving the shared goal by ensuring punctuality, respect for each other, the School Institution, and civil and human educational value.
The Freud Institute is committed to applying individualized teaching that promotes learning for each student that respects his or her learning pace and time. It makes sure that evaluations are as transparent as possible and is committed to maintaining a constant relationship with families regarding communications on the educational and disciplinary progress kept at school by their child.
In turn, the family is required to follow up with their children by helping them, motivating them in the execution of the various tasks assigned to them even if they are strenuous.
They are required to continuously update themselves, through the Electronic Registry, on their child's schooling and any communications from the School.
About assessment, the family should maintain an attitude of alignment with the school's position and should cooperate with their child to help him/her become aware of his/her strengths and weaknesses.
The student, for his part, should commit himself to active participation in classes and to cooperatively follow the teaching directions given by the teaching staff. He or she is also expected to carry out assignments, meeting deadlines and managing their assignment in a planned manner.
Through the Educational Covenant of Corresponsibility, School-Family-Student also commit themselves to share and comply with what is established in the P.T.O.F. (Educational Offer Plan).
Our School believes in the importance of change in the society in which we live achievable through a more functional school structured on the needs of the community by enhancing the interests of its students and contributing to their professional insertion in the labor market.
For the "S. Freud" Institute, moreover, communication and active participation represent cornerstones of its modus operandi. To this end, through the Covenant, the commitment of the interactants to weave an operational and democratic dialogue, oriented to continuous improvement and eventual resolution of needs, is enshrined.