DECREE N.338 MITF005006
Freud Institute Milan, technical, technological, economic institute and high school of human sciences

The project in our School: main features


For Freud School the Projects of Work- Related Learning Experience play a relevant role. 

The Committee responsible of this project plans, defines and coordinates the training program. 

First of all, the planning of these activities consists in determining and signing agreements with institutions, companies and firms that will represent the "host- structires" where our students complete an internship.  

We choose carefully the hosting institutions. so that we can ensure high standards concerning safety in the workplace and real opportunities in performing proper tasks by following its own educational project and field of study.  

As from regulations in force, the host structure is a place for learning where students develop new skills, by enhancing the tasks already learnt and get in touch with the work ethic: these collaborations are addressed to a certain sense of le collaborazioni hanno come obiettivo infatti la co-operation  regarding the connection between  educational projects and the professional world.  


The project of Work-Related Learning Experience enables to introduce a modern teaching approach whose primary goal is focused on the expansion of the process of teaching and learning. This represents an experience that specifically supports a specific form of operational orienteering in your future choices. It's an opportunity that  includes the presence of the students in the company.   

There are three important professional profiles involved in this project: students, the Company Tutor and the School Tutor. 

The CompanyTutor is the leading figure in the company. It's the person that collaborates and that works together with the school to complete the training project. 

In particular the Company Tutor :

  1.      allows the admission to the company organisation ;
  2.      guarantees the compliance with the internship agreement;   
  3.      gives information on the importance of respecting the company policy; 
  4.      fills out and revises the forms;  
  5.      evaluates the learning process.

The School Tutor  is a teacher responsible of controlling the activities of Work-Related Learning Experience. It's a complementary figure of the Company Tutor. His/ Her role consists in following the student in the integration into the labour market, by ensuring the progress of the education program in agreement with the company. In particular, the School Tutor   

  1.      suggests this experience taking into account its schedule and its contents;
  2.      identifies the companies suitable for the students ;
  3.      checks the correct execution of the experience;  
  4.      evaluates together with the company tutor the achievement of the specific goals and the good outcome of the experience; 
  5.      reports the experience in the class council; 



Put into practice flexible approaches of learning in a cultural and educational perspective with regard to the outcomes of the school process in the last three years that are able to connect the classroom training with a practical experience. 

  1.      To enrich the formation acquired during the educational and school processes by acheving special skills which can be spent in the professional world
  2.      To support the orienteering of teenagers so that it will be possible to enhance their personal vocation, their interests and their single learning styles.
  3.      To realize an organic network of the school institutions that can introduce to the job market and to the civil society. 
  4.      To correlate the educational offer to the cultural, social and economic development of the country.



Freud School wants to ensure an educational offer addressed to:

  • the realization of the right to learn and to the educational growth of all students realizzazione; 
  • the imporovement of the teaching/ learning process through the introduction of new educational approaches and flexibility of the school curricula;  d
  • the personalization of the educational courses by using the school- planning and its inclusion within the territory;  
  • the responsible involvement of the whole school-staff in the process started in particular concerning the the feasibility analyses; c
  • the identification of the proper instruments to reach the learning outcomes, the proceedings of self-assessment and internal review to the monitoring actions and to the planning of improvement plans;
  • the promotion of potentials in every student by adopting useful actions in order to achieve the full educational success; 
  • the complete training of the students by enabling them to enter into an active life with a solid general background, a basic professional training and technical insights;  
  • the support of a continuous  lifelong learning through a constant connection between school and professional world; 
  • the support of students in difficulty with acttivities to prevent and reduce the school drop-outsostegno dei soggetti in difficoltà con la prevenzione e la riduzione della dispersione scolastica;
  • the promotion of actions addressed to the realization of a quality school system

S. Freud Paritary Institute - Private School Milan - Paritary School: IT Technical Institute, Tourism Technical Institute, High School of Human Sciences and High School
Via Accademia, 26/29 Milano – Viale Fulvio Testi, 7 Milano – Tel. 02.29409829 Virtuale fax 02.73960148 –
Milan High School - Private IT School Milan
Milan Private Tourism School - Human Sciences High School, Social and Economic Address Milan
Liceo Scientifico Milano
Contact us for more information:

I commenti


Margherita, ti scrivo per ringraziarti per i quattro ragazzi che mi hai mandato in stage: si stanno comportando veramente bene e sono veramente in gamba e molto educati, seri e svegli.
Speriamo continuino così, grazie ancora!

Dott. Daniele Piparo
Vicedirettore Didattico


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