DECREE N.338 MITF005006
Freud Institute Milan, technical, technological, economic institute and high school of human sciences

Project School and Volunteeering- An Introduction

The Project   “School and Volunteering" wants to encourage and coordinate the exchange of the students of School  “S. Freud”  together with volunteering associations in agreement with the Institute. 
The primary aim of the school consists in addressing the new generations towards the values of solidarity, altruism and of civic responsibility. 

The background of experiences of the volunteering associations can be a supplement to the realization of an educational project where young people are sensibilized towards the self-respect and the respect with the others, by understanding the importance of relationships with other people.  .

The Project  “School and Volunteering e Volontariato” relies on a network of no profit associations that are active in several areas  (help for the sick, for the elderly, for children in hospitals, for poor people and for homeless) and are characterized by the desire to address to young people not only to suggest these ideals and the culture of solidarity, but also to encourage their constant inclusion in the world of volunterering. .

The primary aim of the projects consists in the realization of reflections concerning the volunterring topics and values by means of structured paths that take into account the meeting with the knowledge and the experience of the volunteeers, with internships within the organizations, with information sessions where students are directly involved.  


The following courses are open to each class of the School. The courses are divided into a cycle of three sessions.  

The first and the last session have an informational and educational purpose concerning the topic of volunteering.

In the first session students are sensibilized towards the importance of volunteering. Students have to see it as a chance to dedicate themselves others ( to give their time and their attention), by understanding at the same time that important feedback of satisfaction that consists in "doing good". There  volunteering association - related to the class- will be also introduced.  

The second session plays an executive role: the class will go to the volunteering structure and is proactively involved in the so-called activity.

The last session is a final reflection on the experience of volunteering. The referent teacher of the project invites his/her students to share their feeling about this experience, by building an educational dialogue on the topic.  



To volunteer at the assosociations in agreement with the School “S. Freud”

The School “S. Freud” wants to give its students the chance to get a first hand and continuous experience in the world of volunteering.  

This is an extra-curricular activity and doesn't require any subscription costs. 

To take part to this important project, it is necessary to contact its Project Partner (Ms Margherita Ubertalli) who is ready to meet the students interested in this project, so that the project can be explained more in detail.

The Project Partner will also be a guide concerning the most proper volunteering association for the students, by taking into account their  time availability, their interests, their competences and their logistic proximity. 


Children, elderly, people with disabilities, natural Environment, first Aid, civil defence, healthcare,situations of disease, destitution human rights and interculturalism... 

come and learn how to become a volunteer!

S. Freud Paritary Institute - Private School Milan - Paritary School: IT Technical Institute, Tourism Technical Institute, High School of Human Sciences and High School
Via Accademia, 26/29 Milano – Viale Fulvio Testi, 7 Milano – Tel. 02.29409829 Virtuale fax 02.73960148 –
Milan High School - Private IT School Milan
Milan Private Tourism School - Human Sciences High School, Social and Economic Address Milan
Liceo Scientifico Milano
Contact us for more information:

I commenti

Maria Grazia

Ottima iniziativa della scuola. Lo dico come volontaria da ormai tanti anni di diverse realtà sul territorio, anche se spesso non è semplice trasmettere ai nostri figli ciò che l'attività di volontariato ci regala ogni giorno. Grazie!

Giovana Flores

Buongiorno, sono la mamma di Bryan Ferri, Bryan sarebbe interessato; e una bella proposta ai ragazzi, ma soprattutto se e la scuola che lo suggerisce .perché a noi genitori, di solito non danno retta.Complimenti per l'iniziativa.

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