Human Sciences High School- Socioeconomics
and Management
Decree on Equal Education N. 2684 Mechanographic Code: MIPMRI500E
Theatre, entertainment, exhibitions and music. Culture has always been the connection betwwen us and our origins. It's an important link between the contemporary world and the tradition of performing arts, that has contributed to the cultural richness of our Country.
The ’Istituto Paritario “S. Freud”, fully aware that the school has always played the important role of educational community, puts forward the necessity to offer his students a wide variety of cultural stimulation, in order to create versatility in the interests and styles.of young people.
Trough “Progetto Cultura” ( Cultural Project) the school institution enhances the participation of his students to cultural activities, such as theatre performances, meetings and press reviews, exhibitions and visit to museums, to discover the history of the past and the contemporary world, for a better knowledge of old times that opens towards the modern innovation.
Thanks to our twenty year of experience as educators, we are now able to understand that our students learn more easily in an extracurricularr context. This occurs because they become more aware and careful to the variety of cultural stimuli.
At the same time, every form of performing arts has played a cathartic role. This means that we are able to get rid of our emotions,by empathizing with the same form of art. One of the objectives that Istituto "S. Freud" wants to pursue through this project consists in teaching an existence of artistic sensibility and of a great array of forms of expression.
At Istituto “S. Freud” , to teach "culture" means paving the way yo the creation of a free and critical spirit of observation, capable of developing a personal interpretation and a subjective and rational evaluation of the "observed".
Culture is also an important means to acquire its own independence and a personal subjectivity towards the world surrounding us, the interpretation and the evaluation of ourselves and the others.
Within “Progetto Cultura” ( Cultural Project) belongs cross- cutting activities, such as the well-known rientrano inoltre anche attività trasversali quali le prestigiose ICT Olympics and several “games”, to which students can take part in teams and compete in a funny way. It's about simulations of activities concerning the professional world (i.e business management).