The purpose of the course is to acquaint learners with the architecture of a computer, the role of the CPU and memories, how buses work, and I/O management from a functional point of view.
They will know and be able to use assembly language.
Issues related to the operation of both local and geographic networks will be discussed, with special emphasis on TCP/IP protocols.
To know the functionality of a computer.
To know how network software is organized into layers.
To know how processors can communicate with each other. Know how to configure a local area network and a virtual local area network.
Know the most common routing protocols.
Know how to build client/server applications with the PHP language.
Introduction to communication. Structure of the computer.
Motorola 68000 microprocessor.
The assembly language of the Motorola 68000 microprocessor.
The basics of network communication.
Transmission errors.
The topology of networks.
Transmission media.
Local area network equipment.
Equipment for connection to geographic networks.
The ISO/OSI reference model.
The TCP/IP architecture.
Local and metropolitan networks.
Geographic networks.
Lower levels of TCP/IP architecture. LLC sublayer and MAC sublayer.
The Ethernet network.
IP address structure.
Planning IP networks: subnetting.
Routing algorithms and protocols.
IGP routing protocols.
EGP routing protocols.
Transport layer services and addressing.
The phases of a TCP communication.
The Application layer and its protocols.
The http protocol for web applications.
Implementation of client/server applications.
The purpose of the course is to acquaint students with how computers can communicate with each other.
Issues related to the operation of both local and geographic networks will be discussed, with special emphasis on TCP/IP protocols.
Issues related to the development of distributed applications and their implementation using client/server applications will also be covered
To know how network software is organized into layers.
To know how computers can communicate with each other. Know how to configure a local area network and a virtual local area network.
To know the most common routing protocols.
Know how to implement programs in PHP that interact with databases through web servers.
The basics of network communication.
Transmission errors.
The topology of networks.
Transmission media.
Local area network equipment.
Equipment for connection to geographic networks.
The ISO/OSI reference model.
The TCP/IP architecture.
Local and metropolitan networks.
Geographic networks.
Lower layers of the TCP/IP architecture.
LLC sublayer and MAC sublayer.
The Ethernet network.
IP address structure.
Planning IP networks: subnetting.
Routing algorithms and protocols.
IGP routing protocols.
EGP routing protocols.
Transport layer services and addressing.
The phases of a TCP communication.
The Application layer and its protocols.
The protocol for web applications.
Implementation of client/server applications.