20 gennaio 2016
The S. Freud Institute is glad to inform that we have agreed to join the Project “Students' Sports Games” promoted by the MIUR starrting from the school year 2015-2016.
Our students will take part in the conpetitions and they will be competing versus other secondary schools of Milan.
The MIUR is iorming that the Students' Sports Games ( G.S.S) represent the possibility to start different sports since it is proved that doing sport is one of the best ways to help the students' psychological, emotiomal, social and physical growth.
The important role of sport is related to the rules and the roles that the participants are asked to follow, respect and share.
The Students' Games promote the indvidual and team's activities through the extra.-schoo's shceduled hours and they also promote the incluson of the weakest ones so threre is also a social an ethical added value in order to help them to intake the positive values of life.
Our students have already taken part in two competitions:
- Country running on the 17/12/2015 when the student Dan C. was ranked among the first fifteen contestants;
- Women's volleyball tournament on the 20/01/2016 when our students brilliantly challenged other teams belonging to the schools of Milan.
The S. Freud Institute is really proud to promote these sports initiatives in order to approach the students to a healthier lifestyle and improve their socialiozation and teach them to respect the rules and the fair play.