14 novembre 2022
In a 'perspective of constant professional development and training, all teachers of S. Freud Private School will take part in a major team building project called METALOG.
METALOG is an act project to empower teachers by aiming to facilitate the emergence of a group in the classroom context through specific tools that foster group learning.
In fact, an equivalence is often made between the word class and group, as if they were synonymous. In reality, the classroom represents only a collection of pupils who find themselves living together a spatial-temporal dimension used for learning and growth. The System in which the pupils find themselves may take different forms over time. The teacher in such cases is faced with, devoting his attention and energy between managing absorbing pupils (behavioral, cognitive, social frailties) and the desire to achieve educational goals.
The moment departs from these considerations to propose instead a change of perspective with respect to the classroom. While this moment is certainly about collaborative learning among the teachers themselves (experiential teambuilding), it can also allow the teacher to be a facilitating agent that allows the class to transform and become a group, indeed a team.
The tools that will be used can also be used in moments of interaction for classes in order to increase collaboration and/or otherwise allow for accompanied step-by-step evaluation towards defined goals. Here, then, can be fostered the strengthening of the teacher in those skills necessary to make him or her a Facilitator of group processes.
The Metalog methodology we propose has developed a kind of technology i.e., "a discourse on the art" of how to direct the birth, development, and direction of a group; to do this it uses playful-dynamic activities that enable the activation in the class of thoughts-emotions and actions functional to the development of relationships, the sharing of a common goal, and the recognition of each with the aim of promoting a functional climate for specific didactic learning and growth in general.
- Awareness of the concept of teamwork;
- Optimization of work processes;
- Project management, planning and leading from a project management perspective;
- Effective facilitation of various complexities;
- Motivation and maintenance of an overall vision according to the criteria of shared leadership.