DECREE N.338 MITF005006

"Analysing the stalking" - Conference held by Lawyer Tusa - S. Freud Technical IT and Tourism

30 novembre 2016

On Thursday the 1st of December 2016 the classrooms 3^ A belonging to the Technical Technological IT cycle of studies and the classroom 3^ A  belonging to the Economics and Tourism will take part in the conference “Analysing the Stalking” held by the Civil and Criminal Lawyer Benedetto Tusa. The meeting will be held at the school's premises from 8.00 a.m. to 9.55 a.m.

This initiative is included in the School Work Alternation Project and it aims at making the students aware of the legal issues related to the stalking by analysing this problem from the legal point of view and its psychological consequences too.

The ones who decide to break up without the consent of the partner risk to become the targets of harrassments.
In our present society women are improving their working roles and they are asking for a higher equality within the working environment and within their families although there are still some men who try to forcibly bring them back to their old traditional roles based on acquiescence and acceptance.
The introduction of the legal category of stalking enables to change the meaning the society gives to these bahaviours.
The stalking as a behavioural model to be condemned is carried out through two wide behavioural categories.
The first one includes a range of disapproved activities that are considered as sexual harrassment as well as the intrusion into the privacy and the threatening behaviours.
The second one is related to some behaviours that were commonly accepted until a number of years ago like the insisting approaches and the impossibility for women to stop a relationship.


1.    Making thes  students aware of the fact that the stalking is a crime featured by strong psychological implications and it is recognized by our Criminal Code.
2.    Making the students aware about the importance of focusing their attention on these issues since the harassment can lead to real practices of persecution 

3.    Providing the students with the proper tools to recognize and protect themselves, learn how and where they can ask for help.


1.    Stimulating their observation regarding these phenomena that are present in our society.
2.    Teching them to respects eah-other.
3.    Informing them about the legal consequences of these kinds of behaviours that must be promptly reported.

S. Freud Paritary Institute - Private School Milan - Paritary School: IT Technical Institute, Tourism Technical Institute, High School of Human Sciences and High School
Via Accademia, 26/29 Milano – Viale Fulvio Testi, 7 Milano – Tel. 02.29409829 Virtuale fax 02.73960148 –
Milan High School - Private IT School Milan
Milan Private Tourism School - Human Sciences High School, Social and Economic Address Milan
Liceo Scientifico Milano
Contact us for more information: [email protected]

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