7 febbraio 2017
On Wednesday the 8th of February 2017, the classrooms 5^ A IT and 5^ A Tourism belonging to the S. Freud State Recognized School will take part in a meeting where the IULM University will present its Degree Courses. This activity belongs to the intitiatives offered as a guidance for our leaving students.
The conference will be held by Mrs. Ilaria Allocca, the person in charge with the Guidance Office of the IULM University of MIlan and it will be held at our school's premises.
The five Degree Courses offered by IULM will be introduced:
- Degree Course in Interpreting and Communication: a strong knowledge of two foreign languages and a strong preparation in the communication field can produce skilled professionals in the field of translation, interpreting and communication
- Degree Course in Communication, Media and Advertising: a strong preparation in the field of communication, the ability to opearate on the contemporary multi-media contexts and media world are the key elements that are taken into account
- Degree Course in Public Relations and Business Communication: managing the business relations and the internal and the external communication process as well as understanding the mechanisms of communication
- Degree Course in the Arts, Design and Entertainment: it's a degree course focused on developping the needed sckills to become an organizer of the art market, running the art events, analyzing the cultural policies and working in the publishing environment
- Degree Course in Tourism, Culture and Development of Territories: promoting and designing the needed interventions in the tourist field, running the environmental and the cultural services, knowing the area marketing and the sustainable tourism. The related jobs are the Marketing Manager of tour operators and travel agencies, the hotels and tourist resorts managers, the promotors of the territories and their activities and the tourist events planners.
Aims and objectives:
- providing the students with the needed skills to choose the most suitable Degree Course that meets their interest and talent;
- clarify all doubts related to the University environment;
- create a link between the school and the University.