DECREE N.338 MITF005006


22 marzo 2018


8 students of the State Recognized Freud school will take part in the 2018 Italian Championship of Geography on March the 24th in Carrara at the I.I.S. “ Domenico Zaccagna” .

The boys and the girls, two teams of students, will be accompanied by the Geography teacher Davide Summo will have to compete vs other 120 students from other secondary school students coming from all over Italy. 

There are four challenges: three as a team and one as an individual. From the calculation of the geographical coordinates through the recognition of photos of twenty different places in the world, some computer games by using a foreign language as well.

The last game, the most amazing one, is making a huge puzzle with 1000 pieces

The competitions are performed within a real GeoFestival 2018, a geofestival of Geography that will take place in Carrara, the capital of marble from the 23rd to the 25th of March

The initiative is promoted by Sos Geografia,  AIIG Tuscany and Liguria and the University of Florence with the support of the I.I.S. “D.Zaccagna”.



The Association of Geography teachers and SOS Geography have organized the National Championship that are addressed to the Italian secondary school students. After different editions dedicated to the secondary school students, this year the AIIG promoted and organized the first edition to stress the value and the importance of Geography in the Italian schools. The happening is organized within the Geofestival 2018 that will be held in Carrara between Friday the 23rd and Sunday the 25th of March and it is promoted by Sos Geography, AIIG Tuscany and Liguria and the University of Florence, with the support of the I.I.S. “D. Zaccagna”. On this occasion, Carrara, the world capital of marble will become the Italian capital of Geography.


“I used to dream from my atlas. I used to dream about travels and adventures... This is why I decided to visit all the places that had caught my imagination when I grew up, like Samarcanda or Timbuctu, the Alamo's blockhouse or the Amazon and I still have to visit Mompracem and Casablanca”. That is what Umberto Eco wrote in 2007, on an interview on the paper "Sole 24 Ore".

Geography explains the relationship between the human beings and the environment that is always very important in this age featured by the climate changes and the environmental crisis; it helps us to understand the connections between the territory and the Planet which is getting more and more urbanized. The teaching of Geography helps training the young people about globalization, the knowledge of the social-economic phenomena and the complexity of the problems of the Planet. It helps us to understand the importance of the protection of the landscapes that is stated by the Constitution as well in a country like Italy where plenty of Unesco's sites are set and aims at becoming the first tourist destination in the world.

Geography helps us to understand and imagine about unknown places where we can travel by using our imagination and as Umberto Eco used to state, to reach those places physically. Nowadays the imagination is put aside to give way to the virtual shallow immediate virtual world so the intellectual curiosity and the desire to discover  the "new things" is not taken into account. So a subject like Geography must be put in the foreground again in the Italian schools.

The National Championships are held within the research of a wider space and a better role for Geography. It is the importance this subject deserves within the teaching context.



The championship's games will include 3 group challenges and an indivudual one. There will be 4 students in each team, 2 teams for each school can take part in the games.

The students were selected among the best ones. The first challenge (8,45 a.m.) will imply the research of the physical snd political geographic elements on a mute map of the world. The game will last around 15 minutes.

The second challenge (9,15 a.m) will imply the searching of 20 places through the photos (shown twice) and their geographical coordinates on the atlas. It will last around 40 minutes

Together with this activity (9,15 a.m.), a representative of each team will play some computer games (6 exercises). It will last around 40 minutes.

The fourth challenge (10,30 a.m.) will imply the making of a puzzle of the political map of the world (1.000 pieces). The student who completes the puzzle will win. It will last around 75 minutes (until 11,45 a.m.).

The best placings will be ranked after the first four games. Regarding the individual computer games (6 exercises), an averange ranking will be set.

The winning team will win a stay in an Italian National Park.




S. Freud Paritary Institute - Private School Milan - Paritary School: IT Technical Institute, Tourism Technical Institute, High School of Human Sciences and High School
Via Accademia, 26/29 Milano – Viale Fulvio Testi, 7 Milano – Tel. 02.29409829 Virtuale fax 02.73960148 –
Milan High School - Private IT School Milan
Milan Private Tourism School - Human Sciences High School, Social and Economic Address Milan
Liceo Scientifico Milano
Contact us for more information: [email protected]

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