29 marzo 2017
On Thursday the 30th of March 2017, from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 a.m. the classrooms of 3^ A Tourism and 4^ A Tourism of the State Recognized School S. Freud will take part in the financial education class held by Findomestic within the project PerCorsi Young ed. 2016-2017, dedicated to the secondary schools.
This event is included in the School Work Alternation activites and it will be held at the school's premises.
Findomestic Banca S.p.A. is credit institution belonging to the group Gruppo BNP Paribas, it was started up in 1984 and it is specialized on the consumer credit that is the crdit that is gven to the families to buy goods and services for their private use.
On the class they will focus on the topic related to the family budget. The budget is a really important concept: being able to keep your economic situation under control enables to have a realistic view about the neded expenses and the ones that can be delayed or avoided. Learning to manage your expenses enables to make predictions about your future since you can uderstand if you have saved enough money or you are in a deficit situation.
The meeting will be held that way :
- first they will talk about the budget, there wil be a discussion with the students so to understand what they know about this word;
- a video will be shown to the students;
- an activity (on a printed sheet) will be carried out regarding the analyzed notions and topics;
- a further discussion will be held regarding the budget and/or other fiinancial tools;
- team work, the classroom will be split into a few groups of 4/5 students and there will be a simulation of a family budget managing by tracking the expenses and the revenue then there will be a final confrontation.
The Law 107/2015 sets the Article 1 comma 7.d regarding “the upgrading of the economic-financial knowledge" among the main citizenship objectives that the schools should pursue.
Thus the educational project PerCorsi Young aims at arizing the awareness among the young students about the importance of financial education so that they can learn how to manage their budget, the most important regulations related to the consumer credit and how to use their money in a responsible way.
- promoting the responsible use of money to buy goods, travels or studying opportunities. Managing your budget in a responsible way for your future economic citizenship
- overcoming the disinformation regading the manging of the budget or a montly payment even if it's a small repayment;
- the classes aim at helping the students to make simulations of possible expenses they might face and teach them how to manage their budget. The virtual contexts eneable the young students to simulate an "economic risk" without any real consequences.