DECREE N.338 MITF005006


19 gennaio 2024

Dr. Daniele Nappo, Legal Representative and founder of the S. Freud Private School, in today's article deals with the reform that was implemented on December 7 for Technical and Professional Institutes.

On 7 December, the Government, skipping the parliamentary process, issued a decree with an urgent nature for the reform of Technical and Professional Institutes, launched with Legislative Decree 144 of 2022, and which, in general silence, further distorts the constitutional purpose of the school. That is, to contribute to the removal of economic and social obstacles which, by limiting the freedom and equality of citizens, impede the full development of the human person and the effective participation of all workers in the political, economic and social organization of the country (as provided for in Article 3 of the Charter). The important change in the education sector, in particular in vocational and technical training, desired and promoted by the Minister of Education and Merit Giuseppe Valditara, however, is not convincing. This model would seem to be oriented towards raising vocational and technical education and training courses higher to European standards, effectively preparing young people for future competitions, aiming to assimilate cultural and socio-economic resources by expanding beyond the traditional school perimeter. If the aim is to accompany young people towards not only academic but also professional maturity, based on a satisfactory work activity and in line with their personal aspirations, the reform does not appear necessary and well regulated. The labour twist of the education system does not embrace a synthesis between theory and practice and little recognition of the importance of combining knowledge and experience: the new approach is not based on an active role of schools and students.If qualified technicians are trained, there will be no training of people with an entrepreneurial and managerial mentality. The vision, in fact, is that of an old protagonism of small and very small businesses inspired by the years of the Italian economic boom. Young people are not encouraged to take the path of entrepreneurship. The four-year experimentation, and the reshaping of the curriculum, can perhaps work for the professional path, certainly not for the technical profile. Fears prevail and experimentation does not represent an opportunity for growth for the territory, but above all it is not an enrichment for the training of students. The experimentation requires the reshaping of the curriculum over four years instead of five, with differentiated organizational schemes and methodologies. In other words, no national model network or partnership agreement has been put in place. The 1,056 hours of the fifth year will be spread over the previous four years with lessons that could be carried out by extending the school calendar in the summer months or by extending the weekly timetable in the afternoon. These hours can also be contracted out to the other subjects of the network, with the massive use of external experts, and partnership agreements with private individuals are envisaged that provide for the possibility of fulfilling compulsory schooling through internships in companies from the age of 15. In addition, teachers will have to organize flexible, personalized and certified courses through the Learning Units (Uda). So it is just the umpteenth attempt to separate training designed for work from education tout court, subjecting the school system, once again, to companies.In fact, we would like to create experimental paths that should achieve the objectives of the National Plan "Industry 4.0", to which the Regions can adhere based on the "specific needs of the territory", that is, on the basis of the interests of private subjects who influence their political decisions. Teachers' schedules will be revolutionized. The bureaucracy increases excessively due to the certification system that will affect both all UDAs and the personalization of the 1,056 hours that students will have to carry out within the paths offered by the technological-professional supply chain. A new model that seems useless and wrong.

S. Freud Paritary Institute - Private School Milan - Paritary School: IT Technical Institute, Tourism Technical Institute, High School of Human Sciences and High School
Via Accademia, 26/29 Milano – Viale Fulvio Testi, 7 Milano – Tel. 02.29409829 Virtuale fax 02.73960148 –
Milan High School - Private IT School Milan
Milan Private Tourism School - Human Sciences High School, Social and Economic Address Milan
Liceo Scientifico Milano
Contact us for more information: [email protected]

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