13 gennaio 2023
The title that Dr.Nappo chose for this article warns us that the appeal, made by looking into the face of each pupil, recognizing the uniqueness of each one, can be the beginning of a positive and constructive relationship within the class group.
For a teacher to enter the hearts of his students, it takes above all a lot of understanding toward the complexities of children in the school setting. Attentive care and a balanced relationship of young people with teachers reduces the vehemence that often at this adolescent age is presented as a synonym for independence. A good teacher makes a difference in the growth of pupils, especially at a sensitive time like adolescence. Skills and practices related to emotion management are fundamental to understanding states of mind and knowledge of useful means of identifying and valuing individual differences. Naming plays a very important role because it is the first sign of care that the teacher shows toward his or her students: roll call is the most important moment of the school day and is a simple and humble gesture, but open to the meaning of things that pushes toward reality with love and kindness. The teacher-student relationship is fundamental, it should have no obstacles: roll call should not be a tedious bureaucratic fulfillment, but a time of taking responsibility for people (students), a time that builds a relationship.School must be a realistic scope of something broad, they are times to explore life, the world; the quality of life springs from the meaning we give it, particularly when we are restored to our frailties. Calling each girl and boy by name by looking at their faces is worth an encouragement to each. The teacher takes fully into the lives of his young people. A classroom lives by habits and customs, which is why it is substantial to have a kind connection. Indeed, any scientific research observes that students who have open and positive relationships with their teachers achieve higher levels of achievement, are more determined, and are more likely to maintain proper behavior. Educational systems have changed and improved over the years. Traditional methods have given way to constructivist learning, which emphasizes the first relationship. Having an efficient and functioning relationship with one's students has important, positive and lasting implications for the academic, emotional and social development of children.