25 febbraio 2022
On Friday 25 February 2022, Dr. Daniele Nappo, legal director of the S. Freud Private School, exposes his reflections on the revolution of pedagogical psychology in the national newspaper “Il Giorno”.
The educational system must aim to ennoble students, to enhance their peculiarities. Today more than ever it is important that the teacher asks himself more and more formative questions and that he individualizes his own teaching method to make sure to highlight what makes each student unique and special.
Below is the article:
"In the" teaching "of an institute or a teacher, the criticalities concerning teaching must be foreseen and analyzed. It would be fascinating to think of an educational system that aims to ennoble students, teaching them to ask questions to overcome learning difficulties that can meet; the teacher must ask himself the questions "How should I teach?" and "In what conditions can you give the best answers, those in which students learn best?". The methodological aspects play a very important educational role. The modern school has a new discipline in place, the psychology of learning which note a series of considerations that complete the student's profile, relevant for the school world.
The teacher adapts an explanation system to the result of individualized learning, taking into account the character, personality and conscience of each young person. And of its individualities as unique and original. We must recognize an important change in the role of the teacher who has undergone a transformation over the years because the goal is not to explain but to trace what the students have learned. And a strong discontinuity: the teacher of the past would be in great difficulty and certainly disoriented in interacting with digital natives. Today psychology has understood, with intuition and sensitivity, what learning really is and has a significant impact on how children learn at school. Because we focus more on the person, his characteristics and potential. Communication, teacher-learner dialogue, interaction, understanding, attention to detail and the help of technology and the internet world have brought about a system revolution and not just a technological one. School psychology takes into consideration the environments in which understanding occurs and the ways in which students interact with the context. "
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