9 luglio 2021
The new article by the Legal Representative of FREUD School , Dott. Daniele Nappo, published in the newspaper “Il Giorno” on 9th July 2021.
This article is about the importance of the teacher-parent interview to portray the characteristics of their children, especially at the beginning of the school-year and to share specific strategies and goals in order to achieve the most important educational objectives.
The teacher-parent dialogue is important
The teacher-parent dialogue is an important educational moment. Families should consider useful this cognitive occasion to introduce to the teachers the characteristics of their children, so that it will be possible to help them to grow up at the beginning of the school-year.
The interview must take place with the whole family, even in presence of separated parents, because children come from their relationship. It's an important moment for the educational project of a student, where teachers can also question themselves by recognizing the importance of difference and comparisons, because teachers need the support of the family to understand better all the students, especially those with an introvert attitude or with relational difficulties.
After the interview it is possible to get to know important important situations, that the teachers can generally evaluate.
Teachers must be able to listen to the parents without giving necessarily their advice, to establish a serene atmosphere of collaboration. This doesn't mean to be at disposal of the parents' suggesions, but also for their role of mediation and support that must take into account the general situation.
Teachers - during the teacher-parent interview - have to be honest, because frankness is a relevant quality; there's no need to dramatize, but to take action clearly and showing educational programs. Teachers must keep their roles, even in case of psychological and emotional issues; They are teachers and responsible for the growth of their students.
The interview doesn't represent an outburst for families, that nowadays are living more and more complicated situations. Teachers don't have to feel the weight of the parental difficulties, but to understand the context where the children live.
Families must embrace the values and the common projects shared with the school , by meeting frequently teachers, but keeping the proper distance, even though it is becoming more and more difficult because we live in society controlled by the social networks. It's important that parents can communicate with teachers, but it's the same for teachers. P
This relation must be positive and respectful. The more it happens, more advantages can be found by teenagers. This is all based on facts.
Dott. Daniele Nappo
Legal Representative of S. Freud School