13 maggio 2022
On May 13, 2022, the Legal representative of the Private School S. Freud in Milan, Dr. Daniele Nappo, reflected in the national newspaper “Il Giorno” on the fragile condition of today's adolescents. In fact, today more than ever young people need stability, in a moment of rampant work and emotional precariousness.
“ Everyday we talk about he social tragedies of precariousness, but the psychological tragedies that are hidden in the everyday life of young Italians are much less analyzed. An intertwining of stress, insecurity and loneliness which are the sum of a market. of increasingly liquid and competitive work. Certainly the world of work has changed. In this context, culture and knowledge become fundamental. At the same time today, unfortunately, work also defines a situation, a precarious condition, a sort of lack of certainty destabilizing those looking for a stable, safe and rewarding existence. The desire for a job as a choice of self-fulfillment does not lead to any certain employment, the prospects remain on paper and flexibility increasingly takes on the contours of precariousness. Today, more than ever, we are witnessing precisely the precariousness that is no longer limited but only to the workplace since the emotional and relational life and the mind become an integral part of work, so much so that the distinction between life time and work time is lost: consequence is the conditioning of behavior that is existential precariousness. A condition that invades and penetrates all activities and turns into generalized limitation because even those who find themselves in a stable and guaranteed work situation are perfectly aware that this situation could end at any moment following a restructuring or relocation, the economic crisis, the bursting of a speculative bubble or, for example, the embargo on Russia. This awareness means that the experience of the most guaranteed workers is, in fact, very similar to that of workers who live objectively and directly in an actually precarious situation. The multitude of work is thus always precarious, either directly or psychologically. Job insecurity is the main cause of the psychological problems that afflict a generation that is often unjustly blamed for being incapable. We need to start again with the young to raise up a depressed and anxious country. Our students face two distinct challenges in looking for a job after graduation or graduation: finding a job in their field of study and being able to defend the position they have reached. "