10 gennaio 2025
Dr. Daniele Nappo, Legal Representative as well as Founder of S. Freud Private School, draws attention to the need for a happy school experience. The school must be an exciting protagonist in which students are the center of the educational unfolding so as to enable the enhancement of the individual.
In this time that belongs to us, students unfortunately experience many frailties and much loneliness. The happy school experience is inevitably essential to living together, in our classrooms, the daily educational experience. The school of gratification is an effort to implement educational pathways in which the boy/girl becomes the center of an educational unfolding that pursues the whole extended variety of noncognitive skills, which introduce the enhancement of the individual. Skills that lead to positive adjustment behaviors and make the person capable of coping effectively with everyday demands and challenges. The future is something we ideate, a manufactured signifier of our imagination and the result today of technology. This means that the world we will live in is the one we will build. While in some respects the future is not knowable, in other references it is something we can shape. This is where the school must be an exciting protagonist. Technology is the main tool, an important medium, but even more relevant is how we teach how to use it. The future is determined by the choices we make, precisely on how we decide to use and take advantage of technology. There is immense enthusiasm and energy in contemporary young people that keep the passion alive. Teachers must know, therefore, how to harness energy and optimism to build a better future than the present. The School of Optimism offers students and teachers a structured course that teaches, trains and reinforces the internal sphere of control: from managing emotions, conducting relationships, coordinating communication, managing time and goals, and mental and physical well-being.