22 settembre 2023
In today's article, the Legal Representative and founder of the S. Freud Private School, Dr. Daniele Nappo, returns to the topic of the State Examination: an exam that turns out to be only very expensive but ultimately confirms the results already obtained and does not affect the working career.
Approximately 150 million euros a year are spent on the discounted title of maturandi, which could be better spent on school State Examination, or Maturity Examination is a superticial test for guasi all Italian universities, which use access tests presented at the same time as the preparation for graduation. Thus some students neglect end-of-year study to engage in academic testing. But is it really an exam? An exam predicts passed and failed outcomes. if one occurs 99.9 percent of the time, can it be seen as a mere administrative act? Perhaps so. The test is a passage, a taking of responsibility. But the State Exam evaluation, which is too closely related to school credit, influences the actions of the Commission, which will reflect well before twisting a student's evaluation relative to 3 years of work.It is not a selective exam, only costly, confirming results already obtained and does not affect future careers. It should be radically reformed with a view to benefit and significance. Clearer vision of objectives can make the Exam expendable and individualized. Written tests should be abolished and could be replaced by different computer tests for each major with a result valid as a test for admission to individual faculties. Credit for the 5 school years should be better described to allow for more personalization and better assessment. It should be more consideration given to conduct grades and outside activities. Finally, with the interview, the young person should be able to expound on HIS future choices and justify the path chosen. Commissions should be made up of internal teachers and an external chairperson to verify the regularity of operations. A new exam would avoid homologation and would have several advantages: reduction of costs, but also more importance to the young person's school career and conduct, creation of a link between school and university, opportunity for the student to create a futuristic life project.