Human Sciences High School- Socioeconomics
and Management
Decree on Equal Education N. 2684 Mechanographic Code: MIPMRI500E
The Project " Education Law" has been promoted by the Institute “S. Freud” “ because of the awareness that the school institution plays a very important role in the diffusion of the culture of legality and of the value of civil life.
Therefore, the School is the first insitution where compare themselves with their development process; the first "rules" a student must respect are the "school rules" and the role of "Government" is played by the teachers: this is the reason why the School is the suitable environment to face the topic of promotion towards the Education Law and to the civil and ethical behaviour.
The school- context is strongly organized and structured: the behavioural rules and the social roles are formally accepted and encoded in a dual interaction where not only students, but also teachers must respect rules and provisions.
In the school context, by comparing with the "other", each person is aware of his own rights and duties. For this reason it is necessary to respect the freedom of others and to be a "citizen".
The primary objective of Istituto “S. Freud” - in parallel with the school education- consists in creating people with a civil and ethic responsibility.
The School Institution is a model of social cohesion and of integration of the differences among generations, genders, ethnic groups, languages, religions and cultures.
For this reason, the Education Law have to play a new role concerning the school curriculum in order to become an interdisciplinary topic present in every study plan.
The primary aim of the project of “Education Law " is to create “the culture that makes human beings free ”, that knowledge and that awareness that makes every student capable of choosing and take its own responsibility in personal life.
The project of Education Law and of human rights aims to the harmonious development of the students' personality, so that they can become autonomous and responsible people devoid of any prejudice and capable of defending its own rights and the rights of the others, by respecting the life of verybody.
Aims of the project “Education Law’”
The ’Istituto “S. Freud” want to follow the ojectives below:
1. To encourage the identity of the students according to a bipolar perspective ME – US, RIGHT– DUTY, through a gradual process of identification and solidarity at first with family, then with friends and with wider social contexts.
2. To promote a form of social culture by excluding violence and giving priority to dialogue and solidarity and fostering the dignity of being a citizen.
3. To act on the daily experience of the students, by making them aware of a convinced and participated recognizement of the rules of a democratic society and of the results achieved by its own social status.
4. To implement a different relationship with the institutions and their identification of active elements belonging to a complex social reality: the Government, the Nation, the World.
5. To realize an interactive relation with organizations, institutions, associations, by replacing a logic of closed, isolated and stationary systems with a logic of open systems, in a dynamical balance and apt to every form of transformation and development.
For a young person, to recognize and accept a world of rules is always a little bit difficult and demanding, even more if the contemporary society doesn't suggest any involving, convincing and symbolical mediations, positive models and satisfying motivations. The school- a privileged place for culture and knowledge- is promoting more and more the culture of legality by enhacing other educational contexts, such as the family, where the young people can live a dimension of good belonging. This represents an important engagement for young people and for the future generations.
All rules are shared when completely understood, i.e. by respecting the dignity of everyone.
To live legality means to live the value of a rule as :
an instrument of freedom and progress strumento di libertà e di progresso;
an instrument of security so that the differences of everyone can be source of enrichment for the others;
an instrument of protection from violence, from the arrogance and from the abuses who thinks to be the strongest;
To live legality means to be aware that there aren't any shortcuts in life and that the shortest road has got an higher prize that - sooner or later- must be paid; it'a choice that requests participation, critical ability, but especially self-criticism that has not to be separated from a feeling of solidarity. Without this, no society can be considered "civil"; c
to live legality means to believe in the institutions, to develop a democratic form of participation, by fully recognizing the central role of people;
To live legality means to live liberty è vivere la libertà;
To live legality means first of all to understand it; where laws deny the human civil righrs, there there is no form of legality;
To live legality means to accept it, to understand all its deep reasons and to practice it everyday;
To live legality means to share it, by recognizing that the constitutive element of a person consists in the relationship with the others, with a wider community that everybody contributes to realize with its own freedom and responsibility;
To live legality means not to bargain rights with favours; if ( almost) everybody lives legality, the individualism, the partisan interests and the indifferece can be defeated. la legalità significa non barattare diritti con favori; la legalità vissuta da tutti o, almeno dai più, aiuta a sconfiggere l’individualismo, gli interessi di parte, l’indifferenza.
Therefore, Law Education represents the passport for a true form of citizenship, given by the necessity to cooperate to the realization of the COMMON GOOD we all have to aim to.
LAW EDUCATION, essential cultural premises of the existemce of a conscious citizen and person; it develops the knowledge of the nature and of the rules of social life, the milestone of democracy and the exercises of the citizenship laws; it helps to understand how the organization of personal and social life is founded on a system of legal relationships; it establishes the awareness that values such as dignity, freedom, solidarity, security can't be considered "for granted", but they must be always followed and protected, when acquired; young people have to be also made aware of the daily abuse in our Country. .
LAW EDUCATION, factual contribution to the development and diffusion of a culture of civil rights, in order to achieve a deeper knowledge of the citizenship rights.
LAW EDUCATION, as conscious and participated respect of the social rules, of the juridical norms and of the rights of human beings to create a glabal citizen, able to understand a more and more complex reality continuously evolving; to get to know the cultural, social and historical elements that make us different and equal at the same time; to exchange the different knowledge we have in common and that enrichen us in quality of "citizens of the world".
LAW EDUCATION as achievement of the awareness of two essential principles- "right"and "duty", between "being" and "having".