Human Sciences High School- Socioeconomics
and Management
Decree on Equal Education N. 2684 Mechanographic Code: MIPMRI500E
Orientamento scolastico individualizzato
We don't require any particular skills or knowdlege except the ones provided in the first two years of the secondary school.
Nevertheless it' s important to remark that the technical and scientifical subjects of ICT School require organisational and logical skills.
One of the characteristics of this specialization is the uninterrupted study of English for the lenght of the whole school term, so that it will be possible to use all the specific material.
In general the ICT technician finds employment in the industrial area or in activities connected with the advanced services sector.
In particular:
The ICT certificate allows to enter to all University faculties.
The ICT curriculum builds a solid foundation to prepare the students in attending the following courses:
Post-diploma studies oriented to Computer Sciences,Eelectronics or related to Telecommunications.
Nowadays the term "ICT" is commonly used, but its features are not so well defined. As far as concerns its status of science, it plays a role of implementation and support to other scientific disciplines, but not only for these ones; regarding its status of technology, it is present in every “means” or “instrument” of common and daily use. Let's think that (almost) each of us is a user of IT services, anyway.
The meaning of ICT - in the field of Socioeconomics- has moved up the Antony's pyramid in a few years, by changing from the "operational" point of view ( through the substitution or support of simple and repetitive tasks) to a "tactical" standpoint ( support in a short-termed planning and management )until achieving a "strategical" status.
In this regard, it's important to remember that ICT is so strategical in social end economic development of all population. As a matter of fact, the so-called "digital divide" is an issue of worldwide interest.