DECREE N.338 MITF005006

Degree in Computer Sciences


The student with a degree in  “Computer Sciences (ICT)”: he has got specific skills in the area of IT systems, of processing, of information, of application of Web technologies, of networks and of communication equipment; he has a specific knowledge in the field of analysis, design, installing and management of computer systems, databases, networks of computer systems, multimedia devices, trasmission and receiving systems of signals; he has got a full lifecycle managemrnt of several applications that can address to softwares: service oriented - for "embedded" systems. 

Moreover, he takes part to some project management, by operating within the context of national and international legislation concerning the principle of safety-  in all its forms-   and the information security( "privacy").

He is able to:

  • cooperate, in compliance with the current legislation, in the interest of work safety and of the environmental protection and to take action to the improvement of the quality of products and to the businesses'  productive organization;
  • cooperate in the planning of the productive activities of systems, where he can apply his communication skills and his efficient interaction, in oral or written form;  
  • apply, in a teamwork context, a rational, conceptual and analytical approach, oriented to his goals' achievement, in the analysis and in the realization of the different solutions;
  • use and advanced level of English to interact in a professional context, characterized by a strong internationalization; 
  • identify specific techniques, use and edit user guides.

The curriculum is articulated on the education addresses of “Computer Sciences” e “Telecommunications”, that chatacterize the student's school profile. 
 Wiith particular reference to specigic employment an in full compliance with the related technical regulations, in the address of  “Computer Sciences” you learn more about the principles of analysis, comparison and design of IT devices and instruments and the development of computer apps.

By concluding his five- year curriculum , the Student with a Degree in  “Computer Sciences and Telecommunications ” achieves the learning results - detailed below- in terms of competences. Therefore, he will be able to

  1. Program with the main computer languages.
  2. Choose devices and instruments in accordance with their functional features.
  3. Describe  and compare the functioning of ITC devices and electonical instruments. 
  4. Manage  projects in compliance with the proceedings and the standards  required by business and management systems in terms of quality and security.
  5. Manage  production process related to company functions. 
  6. Set up, install and manage processing systems of data and network
  7. Develop computer apps for local networks or remote services.

In connection to the education address of ”Computer Sciences ” e “Telecommunications”, the competences- mentioned above- are developed  differently and supplemented  appropiately in coherence with the characteristics of the education address. 

S. Freud Paritary Institute - Private School Milan - Paritary School: IT Technical Institute, Tourism Technical Institute, High School of Human Sciences and High School
Via Accademia, 26/29 Milano – Viale Fulvio Testi, 7 Milano – Tel. 02.29409829 Virtuale fax 02.73960148 –
Milan High School - Private IT School Milan
Milan Private Tourism School - Human Sciences High School, Social and Economic Address Milan
Liceo Scientifico Milano
Contact us for more information:

I commenti


Buongiorno,scrivo qui due righe perché non so se avrò più modo in futuro.Volevo innanzitutto ringraziare, comunque vada (ma senz'altro spero bene), per ciò che ha fatto questa scuola per Simone, anche se non avevo dubbi, nonostante ci siamo trovati qua per caso (l'ho trovata tramite internet).Al primo colloquio telefonico con la Sig.ra Margherita, ho avuto subito fiducia, intuito, non so... e non ho esitato, aspettavo solo la conferma da parte di Simone per iscriverlo che poi è arrivata per fortuna.Siamo senz'altro rimasti soddisfatti di tutto sia a livello didattico che educativo (e questo non era scontato in quanto con un'altra scuola non è stata proprio la stessa cosa per vari motivi ma senza assolutamente voler giudicare niente e nessuno).Detto ciò volevo anche dirvi che ieri Simone mi ha accennato al fatto che forse dei suoi vecchi compagni di classe hanno deciso di frequentare anche loro il vostro Istituto, quindi questo vuol dire che lo stesso Simone si è trovato molto bene ed ha consigliato la vostra scuola lui stesso.Noi come genitori siamo molto soddisfatti. Ecco io volevo dirvi solo questo.Grazie e SalutiAntonietta Ribello e Salvatore Raggi

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