The general purpose of the chemistry program is the framing of chemical phenomena, starting from everyday observation and tending toward a rationalization of experience and knowledge.
The aims thus consist in developing:
- ability to relate the chemical processes studied to real situations in which the same principles come into play
- ability to formulate hypotheses for interpreting chemical phenomena, drawing consequences and identifying procedures for verification
- ability to assume rationally critical attitudes toward information, opinions and judgments about facts related to chemistry provided by the media.
Recognize that a mixture is composed of different elements
Classify substances according to their state of aggregation and predict their behavior as temperature changes
Recognize the valence rules that determine the combination of atoms
Represent simple chemical processes using formulas and reaction diagrams
Use the concept of mole for concentration of solutions and to highlight relationships between chemical transformations and equations representing them
Recognize that a chemical transformation is characterized by the
appearance and simultaneous disappearance of substances, occurs at different rates and exchanges energy with the environment
Use the chemical behavior of substances to recognize them and to organize them into categories
Matter and energy
Constitution of matter
Laws of chemistry
Chemical language
States of matter
Structure of the atom
Periodic system
Chemical bonding
Speed of chemical reactions
Acids and bases
The carbon atom
Organic chemistry
Functional groups
Biological macromolecules