Human Sciences High School- Socioeconomics
and Management
Decree on Equal Education N. 2684 Mechanographic Code: MIPMRI500E
In planning its Educational Offer, the Freud Institute places the student at the center of educational activity. It recognizes his centrality in educational action and given the numerous and diverse demands coming from the outside, the Institute wants to address each and every specificity, having as its main objective to give everyone the same opportunities . It wants to ensure that everyone, on the basis of personal abilities, has a cultural, human, social growth that will better develop the skills, knowledge and abilities of each pupil in such a way as to enable him or her to become part of society in an appropriate way, whether he or she will orient his or her choice to the world of work, or if the choice will be oriented towards the University sphere.
To this end , in order to better ensure an Educational Offer that responds to the real needs of its users, the Freud Institute expands and differentiates it so that it can be among the schools most equipped with modern technology and updating, as well as attentive to personalized programming and inclusion of students with problems in learning. Open to dialogue with families, it is capable of meeting the expectations of all those involved in the School System, Families, the Territory, and the world of work.
The S. Freud Institute is not only a place of study but also a social context of interaction and growth in which the student establishes relationships with peers, teachers and all school staff.
The Educational Offer of the S. Freud Private School is based on four directions:
Economic Technical Tourism
Technical Information Technology
Liceo Scienze Umane Opzione Economico Sociale (High School of Human Sciences)
Scientific Hig School
"To teach by educating and to educate by instructing" is the challenge of the FREUD Paritarian School. The special attention given to the young student is what inspires our teaching: education,respect, culture, balanced development, health, growth.
Being admitted to study at FREUD SCHOOL means
FREUD School Institute believes in active participation of the student during the lesson results in faster learning than acquisition, modification of knowledge, behavior, skills and values by the student. This is cooperative learning which is a somewhat different mode from group work in that it is focused on learning together with each other, from each other, for each other.
This does not mean to nullify the value of the frontal lecture but to complement it with other types of teaching approaches.
It is a "social reconstruction" that takes place on the whole class and learning by comparing the various cognitive maps present in each of the students and in the class group.
The teacher can stimulate learning, through the practice of caring, of how each person and their class, processes, constructs and reconstructs common cognitive maps.
In cooperative learning, rules are shared and with cogent arguments.
One author Philippe Perrenoud (1984), argues that both academic success and
school failure, is due to a process of construction by all actors in the educational-didactic activity.
The FREUD student is offered individualized support in achieving or enhancing his or her own method of study ("learning to learn"), which we can define as a modus vivendi, is a wealth of skills related to each student's "knowing how to be" and invests his or her process of harmonious development in developmental age and in the perspective of continuing education.
Special dedication is also given to students with Special Educational Needs.
The School is also distinguished by great competence in teaching the characterizing subjects of the two addresses, in order not only to facilitate access to university but also to ensure a competitive and successful application preparation for immediate entry into the world of work thanks to the internal Placement Office and the network of companies with which the School has contacts.
The S. Freud Institute as a Private School also ensures high standards of school organization management: internal communication is immediate, with responses to the needs of families and students timely, transparent and consistent with the dictates of the school's world of values.
Similarly, the Institute's management structures internal sharing and coordination of goals and objectives toward faculty, students and school staff.