DECREE N.338 MITF005006

Educational Project "Student Assistant"-for all classes- FREUD SCHOOL

3 marzo 2016

DIDACTIC PROJECT a.s. 2015-2016 S. Freud Private School

"ASSISTANT STUDENT: What changes "behind the desk," in front of the classroom?"

In its constant desire to offer its students innovative, motivating and engaging teaching methodologies, the S. Freud Institute, in the person of the Principal, has collegially approved the activation of an experimental project entitled "STUDENT ASSISTANT: What changes "behind the desk," in front of the classroom?"

This project is aimed at making effective lesson dynamics oriented toward cooperation and interaction between the student, the teacher and the class group.

In fact, each week, on a rotating basis, the Class Coordinator will appoint-after consultation with colleagues in the Class Council-a student who will assist-assist all teachers and in all subjects in the conduct of the lesson, thus participating in a concrete way in the explanation and the lesson itself.

The choice of the Assistant will be determined on the basis of the merits of a student who -in the last period- has shown himself particularly meritorious and thus "to be rewarded" meritocratically with the assignment. The student for the week of assistance will wear a nice identifying T-shirt with the inscription "my teachers have a good student" .

Below are the details of the project:


Second term


All classes of the S. Freud Private School ICT  and Tourism Addresses


  • To foster empathy between teacher and student.
  • To foster in the student the assumption of responsibility and an adult role.
  • To foster, within the class group, a broader critical spirit and a more mature form of peer solidarity.


Each teacher will be able to find his or her own modus operandi. Some key-points may be (under close teacher supervision):

  • completion of the electronic register
  • critical participation in the evaluation of an oral test
  • the preparation of a lecture for presentation to the class
  • the welcoming of the class
  • support for the teacher in general compliance with the rules
  • the management of the class in the interlude between classes
  • collection and return of cell phones
  • logistical support to a fellow student in difficulty.


Since this is an educational and formative role-playing, to consolidate in the student this perception, it would be appropriate to reserve an evaluation for the student participant in the project, using as indicators:

- the level of awareness in approaching the role;

- the effectiveness with which the project will have affected the daily routine of the class;

- compliance with rules and deliverables;

- the ability to communicate fruitfully with the class;

- the ability to relate to the teacher.


The Management of the S. Freud Institute, with the activation of this initiative, hopes to do something interesting and welcome to Students and Families.


S. Freud Paritary Institute - Private School Milan - Paritary School: IT Technical Institute, Tourism Technical Institute, High School of Human Sciences and High School
Via Accademia, 26/29 Milano – Viale Fulvio Testi, 7 Milano – Tel. 02.29409829 Virtuale fax 02.73960148 –
Milan High School - Private IT School Milan
Milan Private Tourism School - Human Sciences High School, Social and Economic Address Milan
Liceo Scientifico Milano
Contact us for more information: [email protected]

I commenti


Buongiorno trovo questa iniziativa davvero interessante. Connotare ogni studente con un'identità propria aiuterà a sviluppare la propria individualità ma anche il senso di appartenenza ad una gruppo, cosa importantissima per la loro vita e di supporto tra le varie strategie di coping da mettere in atto nei momenti di difficoltà.Approfitto per appoggiare e dare il mio apprezzamento anche la progetto didattico "studente assistente" che trovo davvero utile anche al fine di costruire la coesione tra i ragazzi e, spero, la voglia di aiutarsi e cooperare tra di loro, riuscendo magari a promuovere un'azione trainante su quelli più...recalcitranti.Mi farebbe molto piacere essere aggiornata sugli sviluppi di queste iniziative.Complimenti e buon lavoroCiancio Patrizia

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